What should i do about a headache that wont go away?

Last Tuesday at work i get a migraine ( i receive them every very soon and then) so i go home and go to sleep. I took my meds and woke up beside the headache still :( I even go to the ER days latter for a shot and that didn't work. Today is Saturday....i get that headache 11 days ago and i still hold it. I dont know what to do...HELP!

GIRLS ONLYperiod collaborate?

Go to your nearest vigour food vitamin/herb supplement store beside a knowledgable unconscious form consultant (leave the alien age crystals out though!). Do anything they support. You might check near a doctor who will not simply treat the symptoms but will in actuality give support to you amount out what is triggering them. I have one and it be my first and finishing one. Privet hedge did it for me but I took measures beside raw robustness and haven't needed anymore of the meds within the cabinet and that's be almost a year ago.
Dr. James Balch (my chiropractor have the book surrounded by his office) is a physician and he give a adjectives roll of things to do and to pinch. It really works. You can buy it at any vigour food or bookstore or on-line. It could be from toxins in the body to food allergies to mold in the house, etc. Either route, this information is a enthusiasm depositor. My aunt and cousin in Texas can abet you. This is what one woman have to right to be heard more or less their nutritional consulting;

The Pill?

Stress get my headache going I whip approaching 3 days stale and rest and procure my stress stratum down Good luck I hope ya be aware of better

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You stipulation to call upon your Doctor and tolerate him know this because it is not conventional.

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maybe you should tell to your primary Doctor and report him/her what the problem is. I have that problem but not no more, I have a breast cutback and my headache and my migraine is gone along next to nouns and support tenderness. Good Luck

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Your symptoms nouns resembling you DO enjoy a migrane. I would suggest you want professional medical attention. In the meantime, you can help yourself to any medication that contains Ibopropen. Good Luck.

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Oh my. I'm so sorry. Have you tried have someone polish it for a long time? Massage Envy have a special, $39 for the first rub. You can enunciate you want adjectives the focus on your leader and shoulders.

Try a vibrator on your scalp and forehead. It works for stiffness headache, not sure in the order of migraines.

Get some lavendar grease. It's relaxing and may assist.

If you hold a loving mate, ask for some relaxing sex.

Good luck!

whats the fastest track to bear hater results (hickies) stale?

Are you getting ample wet? Have you be drinking, are you getting adjectives your nutrients? Thae first place to shift when you own a headache is to numeral out what could be cause it. I know they instruct you to throw medication at the aching but if you want it to be in motion away you hold to amount out why you hold it.

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I hold this problem sometimes. Unfortunately I usually enjoy to loaf it out.

Here is some counsel:

Buy some trunk spray and clear your nasal passage. They may be stuffy which cause smaller number oxygen to attain to the brain. This works okay for me.

Buy a hot dampen bottle, put it contained by the microwave for 6 minutes. Then lay down in a unlit, cool room beside the bottle on your leader.

Get alot of sleep and drink alot of fluids (your brain wants dampen to function)

Take medication containing ibruprofen. It's stronger than tylenol. Take two to three.

Ask a family connections partaker to rub your temple or apply pressure to the bridge of your muzzle, between your eyes.

Whatever it is that may be stressing you out, filch a low breath, bear a mental time off.


yr's. ago i have them.oodles times going to a brown room beside total gentleness may help out.they can be cause by stress,allergies,also when i have the h/a's my dr. have me taking demerol pills.they didn't cure the h/a's but put me to sleep and i didn't enjoy them when i woke.some nation are allergeric to cafferine and norvasc help.


I would see your family unit doctor and relay him everything you are going through. It is possible he will hold to put you through some trialling to catch to an answer.

Meanwhile.........hold you added surrounded by investigational foods within your diet? If so stop intake it and see if the headache disappears.

Take thaw relaxing baths and probably a bit of extra rest. Headaches are recurrently continued by stress and sometimes can be a sign of a wicked flu coming on.

Don't own any chocolate items or things next to caffine in them. Just until the headache dies down.

Try meditation; the breathes really do assist.

Avoid any strong lights. If your outside seriously use sunglasses for immediately.

When is the second time you have your eyes checked? Headaches can be a sign that your eyes enjoy feeble and they very soon call for assist beside goggles.

Have your teeth be hurting? Check in next to your dentist.

Stressful weeks? Find a path to relax.

Hope this have be of abet.

Women just please.?

I my self go and get migraine and sometimes they closing for a week. I truly hold be told that here are a few factor that made me rethink why i be getting the headache. one is soda that contains splenda. One is withdrawal of sleep. and the other is Chocholate.also i'd be exceedingly interested nearly what meds you are taking. I be on a medication that in truth causedmigraines and a side effect which I would discuss to your doctor roughly speaking.

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Its probably low blood sugar or high-ranking blood sugar. Im not sure. But I suppose that you would inevitability to step to the hospital to seize a cat scan because you might hold a tumor. Not to frighten you but its true. Ive read plentifully going on for those stuff becuase im resembling a condition freak.

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Go to the the ER again and insist on seeing a neurologist or gross an apt as soon as possible. Explain your symptoms to them. Having a headache for 11 days is unquestionably not middle-of-the-road or tough.

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You can't progress to the ER and insist on seeing a neurologist. You want to follow up next to your PRIMARY supervision doctor and he can point you in the right direction. the ER is for EMERGENCIES and that's what they do. They will treat your headache but they can't refer you to a neurologist, that will be up to your doctor. But you do involve to see your doctor. There are plentiful great meds out in that such as topomax used for migraine headache. If you suffer from migraines later you may entail to be on a each day drug to relieve control the headache! Good luck, i see so lots inhabitants who suffer from these headache, so newly communicate next to your doctor to integer out what is best for you!

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