Why dont i have any energy?

i enjoy no vitality and sometimes i dont wanna even acquire up out of the bed within themornings but beside 3 kids i enjoy no choice whats wrong and what can i do to adjust it

How come after i do any sexual leisure (not neccessarily sex) i grain sick next to guilt and i get hold of really moody?

After have 3 kids, it's comfortable to ruminate you might enjoy a hormone disparity. Do you own any physical symptoms approaching thinness, quill loss, sighing, freight gain, headache, reaction cold, fatigue, aches/pains, sleep problems, unhealthy period....?
If you hold any of those symptoms, plus a nonspecific sentiment of wanting to stay in bed or lately fabrication near exhausted, or if you get the impression you simply don't want to bestow a darn, a blood scan can confidently determine which hormone is low, and you can touch final to speed surrounded by a issue of 2 weeks.

What are the symptoms of self anemic?

you have need of to do one hand pushups within your panties


It is little set that most adults own over 10 pounds of feces stuck contained by their intestines by the time they are 30. This feces gunks up your intestinal wall and will produce you tired. This is because your intestines are caked on. You requirement to buy some intestinal cleanser for adjectives the caked on * you own contained by your intestinal wall.

Birth Control - Alesse?

You necessitate more sleep. =)

Pls helphow does birth control works ?

try a appropriate multi vitamin

Postpartum menstration?

You could be mildly depressed. I know this seem contradictory to how your notion, but trust me, push yourself out the door and pocket a amble, or exercise surrounded by some channel. You will grain better the more you are actively taking time for you. Plus exercise releases endorphins which make family jovial, ( have a feeling righteous chemicals released to the brain)

OKay! So i'm 13 and i enjoy some problems!?

u probably own a particularly sporadic diet beside little vitamin cosumption and especially next to three kids consumption athletic can be intricate. I recommend vitamin B complex and vivacity drinks. this website have some dutiful stuff but any store beside vitamins will enjoy a b complex vitamin(usually have a big B on the front
Proberts2.qhealthzone.com hope it help

Could this throbbing be from my ovarian cyst?

you might own a chemical disparity. that can produce depression and withdrawal of sparkle. enjoy you have a physical exam lately beside lab work? it might be a virtuous hypothesis. after get through full-bodied, exercise, and carry more rest. i know its difficult near 3 kids but if you dont pinch keeping of yourself you wont be capable of lug nurture of them. you might even have need of a bit time to fuss over yourself or lately some relaxing faint time for yourself.

am i going to enjoy my extent if i hold beely cramp?

Do you discern tired no concern how much sleep you take? Are you cold alot? Do you draw from irritated smoothly? If yes probably your thyroid is at rest or slow. Check next to your doc. jammy tested and treated. Happened to me and after diag. I grain so much better! Good Luck

Is it everyday to hold cramps AFTER your spell?

It's easier said than done to influence what's wrong; it could be a few things. Try getting more sleep at darkness, and/or ingestion tough.

I have unprotected sex 3 times final week and I be impression really nauseated.?

you may be depressed. See a doctor... They hold meds to give support to. :)

What does the morning after pill do if im already pregnant?

poor diet, drought of sleep, depression, hormone inequity

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