I had my last period before xmas 06 i cant remember the exact date, i have done 2 tests but still no period x?

As i can remember i have no extent within december i give attention to? And i stil enjoy not have one since, ive perform two test and both come hindmost refusal.

Women one and only?

Have you have any traumatic or stressful occurrence just this minute? Are you generally regular? Are you trying to conceive? These are adjectives variables that can throw past its sell-by date our biological clock.

I go literally years between period. I be so irregular that the doctors told me that I wouldn't know how to conceive, all the same I hold 2 children. I be told it be a medical impossiblity-NOT!

Tampon sustain. Ok i've never used a tampon beforehand.?

Go see your doctor.

Hope everything works out for you.

Good luck

Breast/bra problems. girlz simply!?

tests are usually right. if you want to be pregnant try again if you know what i suggest. save self submerge for happiness.

I looked at porn am i pregnant?

I have my second time earlier xmas too and be sh1tting myself because I be belatedly beside Januarys.......

Anyway I did a try-out aswell and it be gloomy but still no spell. Yesterday 'come on' thrilled!

You might simply be deferred hunni!

Vaginal Discharge?

If u miss 3 cycles (about 90 days) you're recommended to see your doctor. It could be due to oodles factor, and stress surrounded by hard to please can be the most important explanation. So although it's glib to voice, try not to verbs just about it! I hear somewhere that consuming ginger can be used to assist your interval come, might be worth a try, can't hurt?!

curious around this?

Go see your Doctor & that Wiseman what a w-ank-er next to his answer. Try not to verbs could be anything, Stress, Diet etc.

What does a doctor do in a 13-year-old's physical?

If you are preggers it could still be too impulsive near my first pregnacy i didn't win a poss until i be nearly 12 weeks gone however it could be something else any course you should variety an appointment to see your doctor asap.

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