Girls answers only?

help, my spell anguish is edging on impossible and i involve some suggestions on how to oversee the cramping.
Problem is i cant use conventional over thecounter stuff close to Naprogesic so i obligation inherent solutions.
would appreciate your minister to, its making me cry.

Menstral cramps?

I hold a thorny time beside mundane OTC drugs, as ably. They usually don't work, so I hold to bear a highly developed dosage - usually double, at most.

The most decisive combination for me, when I cramp really fruitless (or even beside migraines, interval or no period), is to thieve 2 Anacin (400 milligrams of aspirin in respectively pill) and 2 Midol Menstrual.

If it works for me - and everyone tell me I am crazy - after I will guarantee that it will work for you. I'm 24 years ancient - and I don't cramp normally, but that combo really does work for me.

Also - if you enjoy illustrious stress surrounded by your go right presently - that could be another problem to be precise effecting your cramping. High stress is other what did it to me, to where on earth I could not stand.

What could be some reason for a time of year to end over 20 days..?

see a gynecologist, they will be capable of help out you.

Anyone over 40 hold 2 period every month?

try a heat wad, but seriously lift some advil sister!

How to blow up your breast lacking doing plastic surgery?

How give or take a few Ibuprofen? That's a pretty rudimentary muscle relaxer.
If not after I suggest a heat wad or a nice hot hip bath.
If your cramps are really that awful, you should yak to your doctor almost some form of birth control to luxury the spasm.

I am 19 and I am the right cargo for my elevation but my butt is protuding out . I hold tried exercising but?

heating pad help cut out chocolate & caffine and drink plenty of dampen also help

What are the symptoms of miscarriage?

Sounds resembling you want to see a doctor. There is a object you
are hurting so doomed to failure. Also a doctor can dispense you some medication
you can pinch. While you continue for your appointment use a heating
wad and lay next to your foot elevated slightly. Get or impart yourself
a peaceable chafe surrounded by your put money on and around the ovary nouns. This
should give a hand you somewhat.

Birth control - shorter interval?

Have you discussed this next to your doctor? A proper course of treatment would depend on lots of factor, including your age, if you've have children, how strapping your period are, how long - you seize the notion.
Before you budge "natural" = over the counter, please check next to your physician. "Natural" doesn't have it in mind risk-free. Stick next to protected - which process fixed after an exam and probably some lab work.
Good luck.

Gyncologists, Some attention please!?

A heat wipe is my best friend during the 2 days of cramoing i experience.

At drugstores they go these self-heating pad (thermacare i think) that you can stick on your body. They hold knees ones, final ones, and they even enjoy oval shaped ones for cramps.

When you uncap the box they automatically start heat up and they stay hot for approaching 10 hours! You ust stick the oval shaped wad on your belly and contained by a few minutes your cramps are you can tramp around near this heat wipe as anti ones you own to plug within! And you cannot see it underneath your clothes!!

Breasts own become fatty and sore what does this penny-pinching?

try to carafe, or do some exercise regularly.. or 5 days straight earlier your interval.. and drink alot of wet.. i used to hold that problem.. dont rely on stomach-ache reliever.. :D

Pl recommend Good Tonic for a Woman suffering from Anemia?

To alleviate the on the spot symptoms of cramping, lay on your posterior on the floor, scoot your bottom adjectives the track up against the bottom of the couch/sofa, and after rest your legs, bent at the knees, on sitting room nouns of the couch/sofa. A gynecologist will know how to set aside a more severe solution, resembling probably a form of birth control pill...recurrently they can regulate period and decrease cramping.

DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN if you are lower than 21! And don't whip anything your parents don't know you're taking, if your not an grown. If your allergic to Naprogesic, consequently you could possibly be allergic to other over the counter meds...and never, never, mix medication short physician or parental supervision.

Is breast size genetic? Plz be nice?

talk 2 a doctor, drink some tea, and bring a shower

im sorry :(

What are reason for not have a time? (Not Pregnant)?

i am have one and the same problem...advil usually works for me...if you want to jump inbred try a heat wad. or herbal tea, i hear it works.

Can alcohol impair catamenia?

OK i know how you have a feeling and everybody else is relating you to use a heat wipe but if your approaching me win high cup of cold wet a tablet of chocolate or any entity that have chocolate and dance to the biggest tub tub contained by the house and swarm it next to hot hose down or the hottest you can hold it and put bubbles surrounded by it and that usally solves it.......
i Really Hope I help (i fell your pain) SORRY

Birth Control Questions?

take some ibpurfoen and find a therma prudence fry wrap!

After your peroid travel to the Gynocolegist and ask her for aid.


Ok itchy lump what could it be?

Aw poor item. You can bring a hip bath within heat river that help assuage the backache. Excercising close to yoga can also aid. Definatly purloin some Excedrine it stops cramps for my friends and I in resembling 5 minutes. If you hold have pains that fruitless step see your gynocologist to prescribe you something or to see what the problem is. Feel better.

I have sex near my boyfriend and i bled alot the first time during and a couple days after, is this regular?

I know this sounds odd and kinda crazy but I do a moment or two breathing type thing. You are prob thinking that I hold no notion what I am discussion roughly but in recent times try it, it might assist.

first, breath contained by and as you do(think in beside the angelic air) later breathe out and as you do so (think out near the unpromising air) repeat and the anguish will cut.

This take your mind sour of the throbbing and help you relax better

girlz plz!!?

a heat wad or try a cold pack sorry u cry i know pumpkin itll receive better try midol i used it for thirty yrs goood luck go to dr it may be endometreosis

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