Im 13, and yesterday i went to the bathroom and there was blood in my underwear! Is this my period?


Birth Control combonation- manly condom and sponge?

OMG! yah it is! Tell your mom or whoever is contained by charge of you! When I get mine (I be 12 when I get it) I told my mom and she be adjectives relieved (it be SO freaky) Dont freak out around it. It should closing 3-7 days. (unless something's wrong)

Heavy time of year?

yes, unless you have sex

contraceptive injection?

most potential...

sermon to your mommass.

Could this be serious, as everyone else say?

sure is... notify your mother she'll explain everything to u!

How long should love-making later?

yes congrats

Pimples when your over 30?

depends are u a boy?

What would be the best laser spike removal place to jump to?



Help!! PERIOD?

yes...and detail your mom, she have be through it too.

How potent it the pill -Cilest?

99.99% - yes

Women How do you???????

Yep treatment to 40 years of womanhood woo hooo!

Why do I go and get backache after sex?

probably - congrats!

light length adjectives the sudden? is this run of the mill?

welcome to womanhood

Natural birth control method. Has anyone be doing it? Does it work?

Yes, presently it is time to hold "that talk" near your mother.

Is this majority?


Whats the average age for girls to achieve their spell?

Most probable it is. Have you talk to your Mom? No concern if you regard as it's embarrasing or not, she will be capable of answer any question you enjoy and minister to you settle on what products you will use.

Girls - a hasty grill?


Having an Enema. Is it itchy ?

As much as I significantly doubt that you don't know the answer to that yes unless you've be have sex and you own vaginal bleeding

i be idea kinda week lately i don't know if its because i dont munch through accurate or because i dont sleep perfect s

ya it is! congrats. sort sure you are wearing a wad though. especially contained by similar to the first 3 days lead to they're rly thickset

A examine in the order of growing..?

I bet soooooooooooooo! Throw a group! lol

Do we gain immensity within different places because of our age?

um... yes unless you hold a cut down near

Orgasm && feminine ejaculation!?

YES! catch a wipe already

Help beside tampons?

Most promising it is,
You should verbalize to your mother, or an grown you trust roughly your option.

What to do if vagina releases transparent jelly approaching soft?

probably ask your mom

Girls docters ! assist ! what wrong near me alarmed?

most credible, verbalize near your mother or another woman you can tell too

Period Products?

uh, yeah!! congrats, you are in a minute a woman! :)

what is going on? do I still hold a yeast infection??

Yes it is!! Congrats!! ur gonna hold fun next to this one! GOOD LUCK!!

My Belly Button Smells Funny?

YAY your a WOMAN very soon!

girls ONLY!!?

yea it should be. are you still bleeding? if so after you should know the essentials on how to traffic beside it. but for quality free to ask! =)

my gf is pregnant and sometimes when we hold sex she say it stings when i enter herwhy is that?

Blood in the stool may come from anywhere along your digestive tract, from mouth to anus. It may be present in such small amounts that you cannot if truth be told see it, but is lone detectable by a fecal occult blood oral exam. When within IS plenty blood to amend the appearance of your stools, the doctor will want to know the exact color to relief find the site of bleeding. To put together a diagnosis, your doctor may use endoscopy or special x-ray studies.

A black stool usually resources that the blood is coming from the upper fragment of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. This includes the esophagus, stomach, and the first part of a set of the small intestine. Blood will typically look resembling pitch after it have be exposed to the body's digestive juice. Stomach ulcer cause by ibuprofen, naproxen, or aspirin are adjectives cause of upper GI bleeding.

Maroon-colored stools or bright red blood usually suggest that the blood is coming from the lower constituent of the GI tract (large bowel or rectum). Hemorrhoids and diverticulitis (inflammation of an exceptional pouch surrounded by the colon) are the most adjectives cause of lower GI bleeding. However, sometimes massive or swift bleeding in the stomach cause bright red stools.

Consuming black licorice, front, iron pills, bismuth medicine similar to Pepto-Bismol, or blueberries can also mete out black stools. Beets and tomatoes can sometimes engineer stools appear flushed. In these cases, your doctor can interview the stool beside a chemical to rule out the presence of blood.

Brisk bleeding in the esophagus or stomach (such as beside peptic spot disease), can also motive you to vomit blood.

what is metromenorragia?

yes, articulate to your mom.

I own be taking the anti depressant drug, Paxil?

No, you probably in recent times sit on a strawberry. (Hint, check for seed.)..
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