What to do if vagina releases transparent jelly like liquid?

I own observed ago that every time I go to toilet I see a jelly resembling solution getting released after peeing. I consider this nature of item is cause by some cold I hold or perchance something else?

Yeast infection treatment while menstruating?

hello retail girl it could simply be a mundane vaginal discharge but you would be better stale going to see your GP in recent times contained by armour

Is it everyday to enjoy a sort of smell after your term?!?

see a vagina dr.

Is it NORMAL to STOP GROWING at 10/11 yrs. OLD?

go to the gyn it could be a yeast infection.

Need guidance?

If it's stirring day by day run see a gynecologist. It's everyday to enjoy occasional discharge resembling that you're describing. A yeast infection is cottage cheese close to not gungy

should i progress spinal column on the pill?

probably a sound out for your doctor, it could be a most important problem

Is it regular for a spell to be 31-33 days apart?

women's viginas verbs themselves every daylight...as long as it's clear or sorta clear, you're Ok...if it turns green, smells fishy, it's a bacterial infection. If it's resembling cottege cheese and smells yeasty, you enjoy a yeast infection....

Clear is well brought-up...you will thought it getting smaller quantity as you win elder.(maybe...mine is still just about like at 52.) If you didn't hold it, your vagina would obligation some give a hand....(thats what KY jelly is for...that and if you don't go and get showery since sex...)

Whats wrong?

see your gp


Sounds resembling a UTI? For god's sakebgo see an OB/Gyn.

Sex quiz going on for sperm?

hi retail girl,
it's not unusual to hold a clear jelly egg white discharge. however, if it continues it could be some type of infection,
I don`t know you should shift see your doc to be on the sheltered side

HELP IM IN PAIN!! interval cramps plz !!?

this is moderately majority,but if it get too much or become discoloured, see your doctor, however it is commonplace to bring clear,if you didnt receive it you would enjoy problems consequently beside dryness and irritation,and is merely your vaginas inherent lubrication.

More than 7 days?

This sounds to me similar to it's a grip of over ovulation. If you be thinking of getting pregnant, presently would be a accurate time. If not, pinch extra precautions.
A clear vaginal discharge to be exact non-smelling is a sign that your body is getting equipped to conceive a child.

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Like others hold said, this is common as long as its clear (kindof similar to an egg white). Usually discharge thicken up resembling that during ovulation - it's your body's course of trying to keep hold of the sperm in attendance longer.

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does it come from your wee hole or vagina, i deem specifically what is needed to know. from your vagina i would devise is ok but save progress and see your gp

How to treat a sore?

I wouldn't verbs too much in the region of this it is slightly typical especially within younger women. The vagina is simply protecting itself from infections and cleasing itself.Our bodies own the amazing potential of self trouble. The merely time I would verbs is if the discharge become smelly or discoloured or produces a whitish discharge.
Don't verbs girl!

Brown blood!?!?

You will awareness this more when you are ovulating!

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Dont verbs roughly speaking this. I catch this regularly aswell. It is of late discharge. I go to the doctors give or take a few mine nearby is nil to verbs give or take a few. The doctor said to be precise is a short time ago your body developing more and that make jelly stuff come out. Dont verbs most girls i in a minute capture this. You are fine. xxx

When do you stop have period?

Don't verbs! clear, inoffensive, jelly stuff is average. It in recent times finances you're ovulating!

Some relatives build more of it than others. I swear I construct more when I enjoy a cold, too.. conceivably its something to do next to mucus production.

How lovely!

It does NOT nouns resembling you own a UTI.
If you're within aching, peeing offensive/cloudy/bloody urine, have difficulty or distress or both peeing, later you enjoy a UTI.

Of course, if you are worried in the order of any other type of "down there" infection, don't tail off surrounded by seeing a doctor... the worst they can do is strip your dignity for a few mins, but they'll mitigate your mind ;)

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Usually this open-handed of soft comes during your ovulation time of year. It is completely commonplace. Try to remember: does it come up every morning or simply for a few days a months? If it happen every hours of daylight afterwards probably you should pop in your GP otherwise do not verbs :)

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