How effective it the pill -Cilest?

Has any body have any side effects? My first sunshine today so does that niggardly i dont enjoy to se anything else from today?

Why do I hold sore nipples? (I don't hold a toddler so I'm not breast feeding)?

If you are starting today AND this is the first day of your extent, contraceptive cover is direct and you do not have need of to use anything else. If however this is not your first afternoon of interval you requirement to use extramural precautions for 7 days. Remember though you hold fitting contraceptive cover, simply a condom reduce your STD risk.

The combined pill largely have a bomb rate 0.2-0.3 pregnancies / 100 woman-years as a percentage.

Side effects of adjectives combined pills are like peas in a pod, your prescribing physician should own planned them. Here is the copy of the background sheet comments

There is a broad belief, base on statistical evidence, that users of combined oral contraceptives experience more habitually than non-users mixed disorders of the coagulation. How habitually these disorders go off contained by users of modern low-oestrogen oral contraceptives is unknown, but within are reason for suggesting that they may take place smaller quantity recurrently than near the elder types of pill which contain more oestrogen.

Various reports hold associated oral contraceptive use beside the phenomenon of low venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and other embolisms. Other investigations of these oral contraceptives own suggested an increased risk of oestrogen and/or progestogen dose-dependent coronary and cerebrovascular accident, predominantly in weighty smokers. Thrombosis have vastly uncommonly be reported to go off contained by other vein or arteries, eg hepatic, mesenteric, renal or retinal.

It should be noted that at hand is no consensus nearly habitually contradictory findings obtain surrounded by precipitate studies. The physician should suffer contained by mind the possibility of vascular accident occurring and that in that may not be full seizure from such disorders and they may be cruel. The physician should clutch into narrative the presence of risk factor for arterial disease and low venous thrombosis when prescribing oral contraceptives. Risk factor for arterial disease include smoking, the presence of hyperlipidaemia, hypertension or diabetes.

Signs and symptoms of a thrombotic event may include: sudden severe niggle surrounded by the chest, whether or not reaching to the departed arm; sudden breathlessness; and unusual severe, prolonged headache, especially if it occur for the first time or get progressively worse, or is associated next to any of the following symptoms: sudden partial or complete loss of phantasm or diplopia, aphasia, vertigo, a bleak faint attack or collapse near or short focal epilepsy, fear or amazingly prominent numbness suddenly affecting one side or one division of the body, motor disturbances; severe discomfort surrounded by the calf of one leg; acute tummy.

Cigarette smoking increases the risk of serious cardiovascular adverse reaction to oral contraceptive use. The risk increases beside age and next to large smoking and is more speckled surrounded by women over 35 years of age. Women who use oral contraceptives should be strongly advise not to smoke.

The use of oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives may promote growth of existing sex steroid dependent tumours. For this aim, the use of these oral contraceptives within patients beside such tumours is contra-indicated. Numerous epidemiological studies enjoy be reported on the risk of ovarian, endometrial, cervical and breast cancer surrounded by women using combined oral contraceptives. The evidence is clear that combined oral contraceptives give substantial protection against both ovarian and endometrial cancer. An increased risk of cervical cancer in long occupancy users of combined oral contraceptives have be reported contained by some studies, but nearby continues to be controversy roughly speaking the extent to which this is attributable to the confounding effects of sexual ways and other factor.

A meta-analysis from 54 epidemiological studies reported that within is a slightly increased relative risk (RR = 1.24) of have breast cancer diagnosed contained by women who are currently using combined oral contraceptives (COCs). The observed guide of increased risk may be due to an previously diagnosis of breast cancer surrounded by COC users, the biological effects of COCs or a combination of both. The added breast cancer diagnosed contained by current users of COCs or contained by women who hold used COCs within the final 10 years are more feasible to be localised to the breast than those contained by women who never used COCs.

Breast cancer is irregular among women lower than 40 years of age whether or not they whip COCs. Whilst this environment risk increases beside age, the excess number of breast cancer diagnoses surrounded by current and recent COC users is small within relation to the overall risk of breast cancer (see slab chart).

The most exalted risk factor for breast cancer contained by COC users is the age women discontinue the COC; the elder the age at stopping, the more breast cancer are diagnosed. Duration of use is smaller number historic and the excess risk bit by bit disappears during the course of the 10 years after stopping COC use such that by 10 years in that appears to be no excess.

The possible increase in risk of breast cancer should be discussed near the user and weigh against the benefits of COCs taking into depiction the evidence that they give substantial protection against the risk of developing faultless other cancer (e.g. ovarian and endometrial cancer).

tampon facilitate?

Ive be taking it for 9 months and hold no side effects at adjectives.

Advice please?

My best friend have huge trouble getting a pill that suited her until the doctor recommended this one, as it have smaller number of an effect on the body, while still person clearly important on the birth control side of things. She have never have any problems beside it, and have be on it very soon for six years. You will find that your body will variation ever so slightly contained by the instrument that it works, if you ahve never be on the pill previously, but explicitly individual to be expected beside any contraceptive pill.

Sour morsel?

It is recommended that you lurk a full month past you stop using your posterior up form of birth control. Read the insert that come near the pills. It should answer any question you enjoy.

When do girls stop getting taller?

this is my second hours of daylight on cilest!
changed from microgynon which be horrible.
according to my doctor cilest is one of the best pills because it's close to your commonplace hormone harmonize, and it's intended to be accurate for clearing up any acne problems.
if this is your first light of day of taking the pill ever, and you're taking in on the first hours of daylight of your spell you're protected from today. if you've switched close to me you should be protected from today as the previous pill is still contained by your system.
but better undisruptive than sorry any road, use a condom too!

what is the best remedy for white-discharge?

the pill is almost 97% affective, and as far as i know near are no side effects
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