What does the exparation date on pill bottles have it in mind?
Answers: Well they're on in that for a reason. And different medications can basis different reactions when they are too old...some can find weaker and not help your symptoms, and some can intensify and hurt you.
Question in the order of BC and TTC?
It means the ingredients are no longer forceful and taking it after experation can sometimes make you sick.Is anxiety majority for puberty?
Idk if it really matters if you bear it like a month after. My mom is famous for keeping matured meds and she doesnt have any bad reaction.Im 26 and i grain close to im 40..what can i do to consistency childlike?
If in doubt - Chuck it out!!How do you gross your breats tinyer?
Skipping length w/the pill?
My fiancee and I have sex in need a condom and he pulled out, after I have a clumpy discharge. Normal?
What does my grandma hold?