How long are periods supposed to go for?

mine started end year and im wondering if its still regulating itself? It go for 3 weeks straight and them skips a month. Should i be worried. is it too long? The ultimate one i have be from may 1st to may 24th and it only started yesterday again and its August 3

Lose 10 pounds in 3 weeks--HELP?

That is WAY too long. Anytime you obtain a spell that last 8 days or more, you should consult your gynecologist.

A "normal" time last 3-5 days, but can be as short as two days and as long as seven days and still be considered conventional. You should completely carry yourself to your gynecologist.

I wonder?

i would check near your dr. if your young-looking sometime birthcontrol pills facilitate regulate other astute if your old-fashioned this is cut of menopause

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go see you doctor...
average is 3-5 days

Birth Control Advice?

If you are bleeding for 21 days, this is pretty extreme. The average time of year can be anywhere from 3 days to 10 days. I would recommend that you see your doctor.

Girls can you serve me??

It's still regulating. I usually take AT LEAST 2 years to normalize. Don't verbs. it will eventually. however, 3 weeks seem for a while long. hold you talk to your doctor?

My friend is 25 and she hasnt started her period- she wont move about and see a doctor what should i do?

Yes, you can be extremely irregular at thge commencement and culmination of your menstruation "life". If in attendance is throbbing or really unhealthy flow, I would get hold of it checked out by your doc.

Switching birth control?

well honestly perchance it is adusting to your body, cuz i dont dream up it's suppose to ending that long my go for a hole week. I dont know I don`t know you should ask a nurse or a doctor if that's majority. But every woman is different so you never know I don`t know you get chosen to own u're time that long.

If I stir to a kinfolk planning clinic will they put me on the pill? or do I inevitability to run to MY doctor for that?

It depends on how behind the times you are, if you are over 16, this is not average. In any shield, turn see your doctor, she might put you on birth control pills to regulate your spell.

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Avg is 4-6 days, perchance you should try the pill, it will oblige regulate your time.

Someone that know please facilitate me?

that seem waaay to long. i would shift ask your doctor, mine is other reeallyy long, mine ussually last for up to 6-8 days, but i have one contained by my vivacity when it be two weeks straight but thts the one and only time it happen. run ask a gynacologist in the order of this.

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It is too long. Bleeding for that long can mete out you to become anemic (iron poor blood). Go see your doctor.

why boys!!!!!!!!!?

That's agency too long they should finishing 3-7 days.
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