Advice please?

I own be beneath some stress and depression. I am not on any anti-depressants because my body cant seem to be to bar them. I am 5'3" and weigh 105 lbs. ANyhow I own be dealing near this for just about 7 months. There are times that I touch my heart race and I dont know how to contol it. I try to transport weighty breaths to oblige myself. But, it happen as soon as I wake up up contained by the morning. Its approaching my body doesn't even gove me time to judge. My heart starts to see and after I start thinking something like adjectives of the things that I am stressed roughly speaking. Is this anxiety, hysterics attacks? What should I do?


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If it help, my Dr. once told me when I have a impossible or busy hours of daylight to run benidrill. 1 if during the daytime and 2 in the past bed. There's an ingrediant in it that calm your nerves that's why it make most ancestors sleepy. After a while I quit getting them as habitually. It's lately a temporarry for over the counter assistance. Also try the Celenstial Seasonings sleepy times suffer tea, it also help to maintain you at a still.

Can this be a problem then?

It could possibly be anxiety or hysterics attacks, but I couldn't enlighten you for sure. The best counsel I can possibly bequeath to you is to articulate to a doctor- likelihood are they can oblige you out closely if you describe your situation to them. Best wishes,


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you obligation to relax and drink a beer near someone and only verbalize nearly your problems freshly dont overdrink


i would guess hysterics attacks. i reflect on anxiety would be more of a constant entry (waking up in the darkness, doing disappointingly at work/school). im not a phsycoligist or anything, but you should probably yak to one. your broad doctor can recommend one. they can diagnose you for sure and distribute you tips on how to relax through hysterics attacks, or anything it is that have be bothering you.

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I'd voice those are frenzy attacks. You can control them through breathing exercises. If I be you, I'd shift to see a counselor for for a while bit, until you carry yourself lower than control.

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You are describing a classic frenzy or anxiety attack. They enjoy pills for that, but unless you're have the attacks multiple times a sunshine, probably no have need of for that.

If you tend to hyperventilate, take a article purse and breath into it until your breathing slows down.

I have a friend that eventually go on medication for them. He attempted to manipulate them beside a beer, but that tend to fashion them worse.

I will enjoy them perchance once every 3 months. Frequently mine develop while i'm sleeping, but not other. Heart race, panting resembling I'm running a classic, my skin blushes and a slight cold sweat. If I started while sleeping, I will leap out of bed, crouched, and looking around resembling in attendance is someone or something roughly speaking to attack.

I usually recline down, open breaths, and work my body through a relaxation technique i picked up somewhere. The technique is to clear your mind and relax adjectives your muscles. It take tremendous control to relax muscles. You enjoy to regard more or less respectively muscle, distraught it so you know it's here, afterwards relax it and move to the subsequent muscle.

This can be difficult, but study to do it purloin full concentration. Your brain become busy, too busy to nouns.

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