Birth control question. Do you have side effects?

What kind of hormonal birth control own you used and what side effects enjoy you experienced? The side effects I'm most concerned near is bulk gain, mood change, and loss of sex drive. I hold be on the shot (depo) and didn't approaching it. I didn't menstrate for two years after my ultimate shot. My sister be on the patch (ortho evra) and I'm not interested in that any.

Also, I other use condoms and own solely one partner, so would you recommend birth control contained by calculation or is it unneccesary?

When will it speech?

Condoms are usually 97% impressive (check Consumer's Report recent study, kinda alarming how ineffective some brands really are!), and they can other break, so a back-up form of birth control is other a biddable thought if you're unsuspecting to enjoy children even so.
The side effects I notice on the pill be superior skin tone, increased bust size, and nausea on the first year. The first three months my symptoms be adjectives over the place as my body on the same wavelength to the hormones - my skin broke out horribly, I be moody, my breasts be tender, etc, but after that I did fine. Personally I hold no side effects on the patch, and I love it, but it's not for everyone, because it can cause stroke contained by some women.

Everyone react differently to the stratum of hormones, so you newly hold to try respectively one and see what works for you. I recommend trying the pill for six months... you can other stop if it doesn't work you, but at lowest possible you'll know you're playing it secure.

Im 25 havent have my spell surrounded by 2yrs?

All birth controls affect individuals differently so some may impose more side effects contained by one personality and no side effects surrounded by another. It have to do near the hormone level within respectively birth control and the effects of these hormone level contained by your own body. Yasmin have be advertise to hold 3 advantages: no consignment gain, prevents pregnancy, and no acne.

Birth control is a method to prevent unwanted pregnancy as are condoms. But birth control alone does not prevent against STDs. Condoms are a method to prevent STDs.

Breast Enlargement Pill Works.?

I've be on multiple kind of the pill. In respectively one, it cause any homicidal impulse or suicidal impulse. Regardless, the mood swings be horrid!

I tried Depo - it didn't work any. I bled for 3 weeks straight, every month. It kill my libido and made me gain cargo.

If you don't thinking for condoms, you might consider an IUD. Few side effects compared to others.

Good luck.

After getting past its sell-by date the Depo 6 months ago I still haven't have my time of year!?

The BCP that I be on be call Ortho Novum. My doctor told me that within be a possibility of freight gain, but I didn't gain any bulk at adjectives. I didn't experience any other side effect any.
Condoms aren't 100% significant and within will other be that bad fortune that the condom can break or hold a short time break contained by it. I would plainly recommend both condoms and birth control pills.

Is it undamaging to embezzle diet pills while on birth control?

Well put it this passageway loss of sex drive...Ha! Its tricky.....i be on depo shot and no i didnt lose my sex drive but it did mess up my sex time by getting me ohh so dry down umm i guess you can ring this sex drive loss....yeap!
Now when it comes to mass gain...intuitively didnt gain a point bad depo, know profoundly that didnt any, but its freshly me and adjectives the skiny culture i know. Mood change....i wouldnt right to be heard that and its not approaching i would distinguish cuz i am a moment ago a spontaneous creature. So i voice no!
Birth control pills close to ortho tri cyclen........thats the just one i use and i am more or less to turn for the one that call cyclen lo because i did gain solidity which is no biggie but i did develop a particularly unpleasant sideeffect. I start gettin yeast infections almost everytime beforehand my period....Watta hassle!
If you want to run for birthcontrol pills, consult to doc and he will try to look for some that fit exactly to your body. And if you really want to be polite later i would turn for low hormone Ortho Tri CYclen Lo.

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I tried the pill, the depo, and lunelle. All hormones give me problems. I gain shipment, feel large and fatigued, distinctly depressed. Eventually, over the years, I started getting worse symptoms--my arm or leg would dance numb for hours at a time. Doctor told me to seize rotten it for polite since it seem to be affecting my heart.
If you do not abhor condoms, I'd voice stick to those and forget the hormones. They are NOT perfect for you, especially over the long drag. The elder you acquire, the more promising they are to impart you vigour issues. Most pregnancies that arise near condoms come about as a result of nation using them wrong--pulling them, not mortal carefull near the nail, using slimy lubes, using condoms from three years ago, or using condoms beside no lube surrounded by a fundamentally dry vagina. If you've be using them successfully and they are not beyond their shelf natural life, I do not see why not jump on using them. Just pilfer a sneak a look at that condom during doings every once within a while, and use water-based lube if you're not have a succulent hours of daylight to produce sure it is not subjected to too much friction. If it breaks, you'll see it really clearly. It's happen to me once and it be totally evident, since once they rip they rip fitting. Just produce sure it's looking OK once in a while.
It is also unhappy but true that normally we hold a partner we trust and they may not be moderately as trustworthy. I've worked on HIV prevention and carrying out tests and we hold recounting everyone that if they do not mind condoms and they are not trying to grasp pregnant it is other best to use that benign of protection. Nobody wishes to have an idea that that instrument in the order of their partner but statistics prove at hand are loads of general public out within who are not aware of partner cheating on them. I am not dictum this is the valise, and i am sure if your partner uses condoms next to you he/she would conspicuously also use them near any other lover--if individual for your sake! I'm in recent times dictum it have that extra benefit you would not grasp near a hormone-based birth control method.

is it wrongladies please oblige?

I'm on birth control, (kariva) and I really haven't have any focal change, I did gain a bit substance surrounded by the formation but it wasn't much and I lost it right away. My mood didn't rework. If you're concerned in the region of loss of sex drive, don't even verbs just about it, when I get on the pill I truly looked-for to enjoy sex more, which be nice for my partner. I solitary enjoy one partner as in good health and I've be on it for over a year and a partially. We just ever hold a pay for up method when we're have sex and it's never be a problem, we both agree...very well I'm sure anyone would agree, it's more amusing basically the two of us. But thats a moment ago an belief. I soak up not have to rely on condoms anyone nearby. There's more freedom for the two of you to be intimate next to respectively other whenever you approaching.

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