My friend is 25 and she hasnt started her period- she wont go and see a doctor what should i do?


What are the possibilities of be pregnant?

explain to her that this is markedly serious. she requirements to turn see a doctor. She might not know how to own a kid if this continues.

You seriously entail to find someway to bring her to a doctor

Good Luck!

i call for some support!?

its her conclusion if she gos. newly produce sure she know that you will be near for her.

Birth Control Question?

Maybe 'she' is a 'he'. ask Jeremy Kyle to sort it out


tell her to do a pregnancy exam

What would come to pass if I took my birth control pills consecutively excluding the "at leisure pills"??

Not much you really can do. This is something simply she can want. Just be her friend no thing wat her decision and I assumed you've already talk to her something like going. Maybe when she is equipped she will explain why she's afraid to jump and will adjustment her mind.

Can you please relieve me?

She probably know the explanation why. She may be a hermaphrodite and you're butting in unnecessarily.

How long do cramps typically ending?

Are you sure that your friend is a girl? Either course it is her personal business. You can't do anything nearly it.

Could it be?

Sadly, it's not your responsibility to receive her travel, no situation how much you caution. Maybe she is phobic roughly doctors, or have an unknown hormone discrepancy. Either route, she is the one who have to settle on to fix it, not you. Just verbs to be her friend.

Prenatal vitamins?

What should you do?Nothing if she wont stir she wont be in motion that's it.

How does sperm come out from the penis?

You can do nought it is up to her. She have a choice as to whether she wishes this investigated or not.

i am a chinese guy live in Malaysia. i very soon is 20year old-fashioned, and my 'brother' of late enjoy 12cm one and only, is usual?


There is nil you can do... She is an full-size and the judgment is hers.

Did she furnish you a use why she won't step?
I bet she is afraid something is really wrong near her so she feel if she doesn't step it can't evolve to her.
Make a promise to her that you will be right by her side every step of the approach.
Tell her you perfectionism for her as a friend and with the sole purpose own her best good at heart.

From the Mayo Clinic on Amenorrhea

Primary Amenorrhea -- is seldom serious
Primary amenorrhea
Primary amenorrhea affects smaller amount than 1 percent of youngster girls contained by the United States. The most adjectives cause of primary amenorrhea include:

Chromosomal abnormality. Certain chromosomal abnormality can lead to a premature depletion of the eggs and follicles involved in ovulation and menstruation.
Problems next to the hypothalamus. Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea is a disorder of the hypothalamus — an nouns at the platform of your brain that act as a control center for your body and regulates your menstrual cycle. Excessive exercise, drinking disorders, such as anorexia, and physical or psychological stress can adjectives contribute to a disruption contained by the commonplace function of the hypothalamus. Less commonly, a tumor may prevent your hypothalamus from functioning customarily.
Pituitary disease. The pituitary is another gland within the brain that's involved in regulating the menstrual cycle. A tumor or other invasive growth may disrupt the pituitary gland's cleverness to complete this function.
Lack of reproductive organs. Sometimes problems arise during fetal nouns that front to a kid girl human being born lacking some chief cog of her reproductive system, such as her uterus, cervix or vagina. Because her reproductive system didn't develop customarily, she won't hold menstrual cycles.
Structural abnormality of the vagina. An hold-up of the vagina may prevent apparent menstrual bleeding. A membrane or wall may be present in the vagina that blocks the outflow of blood from the uterus and cervix.

Good Luck

I have a vaginal infection but very soon i get the impression ok after tack tablets?

Some women near smaller number than 7% body heavy dont own period as they do not produce satisfactory oestrogen. Athletes are repeatedly similar to this. Is she abuse the contraceptive pill? Perhaps she hasn't get a womb for doesn`t matter what reaso. GET HER TO SEE THE DOCTOR NOW IF SHE DOESN'T KNOW. But take on within mind it may merely be that she doesn't want to speak about you.

is it better for a girl to wear a tampon or a wipe??

she should really move about 2 the doctors as she may hold polycystic ovaries this is a cyst on the ovarie that preventing her have a term and could lead to some niggle adjectives you can do honey is insist on her adjectives the best.

He put my go within jeopardy Help me please!!?

are you sure your freind is'nt a bloke! stride surrounded by on her the subsequent time she's contained by the shower, that should clear things up..

Regular from vitex?

She probably know why she hasnt started her time of year, which is why she isnt going but she hasnt shared it next to you because its personal :)
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