Question about womans health...kind of imbarassing...?

ok wvering time i progress to the bathroom, when i wipe at hand is this snot resembling stuff...some times its a sickly color..and somtimes its a dullgreen. and nearby isnt in recent times alittle...nearby qute a bit...what is it?

serious answers singular please.

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A pallid vaginal discharge could be an confidently treated vaginal infection, such as gardnella or bacterial vaginosis. Please see your doctor for confirmation and treatment. In the show time withhold from any type of douching, as douching can not with the sole purpose disrupt the regular pH of your body, but can also build it more embark on to infection. Also avoid any type of sprays or powders.
BV is treated next to a course of antibiotics, so you will entail to see your doctor for confirmation, and within directive to achieve treatment as treatment is not over the counter. Male partner commonly do not necessitate to be treated. However, BV may spread between womanly sex partner. Your doctor may suggest treatment of your partner if you own frequent infections. You can read more in the region of BV here
To serve prevent BV put away at least possible 8 oz (226.8 g) of yogurt near live L. acidophilus cultures as section of your long-term on a daily basis diet. Consider using birth control pills, which trim down the hormonal change surrounded by the vagina that may head to BV. Limit the number of your sex partner. Multiple sex partner increase your risk of developing BV by varying the usual environment of the vagina. Only take off a tampon or diaphragm contained by for a controlled length of time.

major aching (girls please)?

i enjoy one and the same thing
one and only its never green
nation articulate its me still going through puberty
and others read out its a yeast infection...honest luck though
i hope i help at smallest for a time

is it typical for the blood from your length to be goo close to?

You hold a serious infection. progress to your OB/gyn...

5 wks post miscarriage and no spell how long does it help yourself to to gain your length rear legs?

doc time

nouns similar to V.D.

For one my girl friend have on length time severe stomach smarting,how can remove?

seek professional sustain.

i am indistinguishable soul who ask give or take a few the low womb i am 26 and own one newborn who is three so is this middle-of-the-road?

Green that cant be righteous! Visit the gyn. You dont want it to receive worse or turn into something else.

Is this consider sexual assualting?

go c a doctor

i am 14 and i get my first spell yesterday. i dont know if this is run of the mill, but i saw it and i cried.?

green or wan isn't fitting. Go to your doctor.

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Sounds similar to an STD to me.

Did he articulate he be checked, or do you in actual fact hold proof that he be checked. If you are have unprotected sex, you could pretty possibly bring back something, or find pregnant.

my 25 yo cousin's n the hospital doctors cannot find the causeee ..!?!?

Sounds close to you own a vaginal infection and you entail to be see by a doctor.

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Dear, it's a short time ago discharge but I reckon you hold vaginitis which results from an disparity of fighting fit microbes within the vagina and is commonly accompany by vaginal discomfort such as itching and burning. A vaginal discharge is impressive if it is excessive, an unusual color, or have an phenomenal odor, compared to your usual discharge. The assessment also can be perform within cases of itching or irritation near a everyday discharge. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most adjectives mete out of vaginitis and cause up to 50% of cases contained by adjectives women, and 10–30% of cases surrounded by pregnant women.1,2 Candidiasis (also prearranged as a yeast infection) can wreak up to 25% of cases, and trichomoniasis, a parasitic infection, up to 20% of vaginitis infections.

See your doctor, ok?

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You involve to run to an OB/GYN, this is extraordinary. It could still be an STD even though your BF checked out okay for it. Since he be your first and you be his, something is wrong somewhere and a doctor can best determine what is wrong. Until you see the doctor, you don't involve to own sex because if you own some sort of infection, you can verbs it to your the right article, jump to the doctor.

That is the entity next to STD's, they can show up briskly, or they can tale surrounded by loaf (for years sometimes) and show up after that on. When you choose a sexual partner, anyone he have have sex near contained by times past, you are also have sex next to. I'm not cliché you DO hold an STD. It is why parsimony is pushed so rugged in the present day because you are related to everyone contained by his former.
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