I am the same person who ask about the low womb i am 26 and have one baby who is three so is this normal?

for a being next to just one child and should i remove my womb completely

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You own a low womb--All the doctor desires to do is put contained by a dais (which doesn't hurt). It is not an elective surgery basically to enjoy your womb removed. It have to be a energy endanger article, one specifically unanimously a medical item which you hold zilch to do beside except have the condition. What you can do is love your child next to adjectives your heart & soul and hold trying to own a kid and conceivably nought will come of it or conceivably something will.

why am i haveing muscles spam?

Dr's won't do it unless its a energy threating situation. The certainty that you hold basically one child doesn't niggardly anything. You could ask to take your tubes tied, it might be a be at odds but find a dr that will do it. But for the most cut, You probably will not find a dr pilfer everything out. If they would do it by you asking for it, I would of have it out after my 3rd pregnancy. By the course, my womb is tilted. So we adjectives enjoy our abnormaities.


Why would you even consider such a drastic medical procedure? Clearly your "low womb" didn't inhibit you from conceiving, carrrying, and deliver your three year outmoded child. Are you considering this because you don't want another child? There are pretty sure methods of birth control (no method is 100% certain), but a partial hysterectomy is a serious operation.

You own the final result to produce, but I'd no problem parley beside a partner and your gynocologist.

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