For one my girl friend having on period time severe stomach ache,how can remove?


how do i take pregnent?

midol extra strength, a hot tub, stroke next to lavender grease, munch through yogurt, and if you are outmoded adequate and responsible adequate, sex. also, my cramps hold decrease dramatically when i go on the pill, ortho tri-cyclen-lo

Confused and entail aid express?


Do condoms ruin womens sensation close to they do for men?

wait 4 days and adjectives will be ok again till subsequent month.

Ladies, how did it grain when your hymen broke?

take tylenol or motrin. try to start taking it 2-3 days back she starts her spell

I enjoy small boobs HELP!?

Try a hot tub, exercise (walking, sit-ups) or milk products.
All are specified to assistance lessen stomach cramps during a time.

any answers?

Well, I scarcely ever hold severe stomach cramps on my spell. But the one time I did, I be at my boyfriends house.
He have me lay down. Kept me in control, chocolate could oblige I don't know. He rubbed my stomach but you don't hold to do it.
Midol, is suppose to give support to. I've never taken it because I never needed it.
After awhile it will budge away, for the time self basically try to brand name her relieved.

im trying to lose wieght but i bring hungry until that time bed.. i dont get through much during the afternoon so is it adjectives right to do


My womanly friend told that she have too much stomach-ache when she lost her virginity. Does it really hurt that much?

premysyn- procure it at the local drugstore
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