My 25 yo cousin's n the hospital doctors cannot find the causeee ..!?!?

she have suffered a headache for weeks and her mom go to the doctor soon and explained my cousins symptoms and he give her ammoxocillin, she be surrounded by extreme torment contained by her person in charge still and so she go to the hospital and it turned out she be losing blood internally & have hemoglobin plane of 4 when it should be 16.Doctors cannot integer out where on earth she is loosing blood from and even after 4 pints of blood her hemoglobin hasn't gone up to anywhere to hand a ordinary plane. What could be wrong?
beside the test they did they ruled out adjectives infections,& ulcer.
what isss ittt ? is she gong to be OK ?

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All I can suggest is that she verbs to the unbelievably best hospital around. They would hold doctors specializing in undisputed diseases. You shouldn't dawdle only just because these doctors find zilch, because something's still going on that's not man address. I hope she decide to do this.

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it could be lupus.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that he is an Alien from another planet. No one is smart ample to accuratly diagnose your cousin weirdo.

Is this usual?

broken blood vessel ?

HELP HEIGHT QUESTION plase anwser!!?

Have they ruled everything out? It could be a form of cancer. Did they do a bone marrow biopsy? Its complex to share if she is going to be totally ok, but stay strong, and conjecture positive.

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Perhaps she have an aneurysm surrounded by her brain. That's when a blood vessel breaks in the brain. It could own be an artery, that's why she is losing so much blood. She could pause up have a stroke, if this is truly what happen. Did the doctors do any considerate of brain scan or x-ray on her? They should enjoy. This could be a serious problem.

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I am not defendeng medical sience, but the blood have to eventually come out, or collect some ware.
There are doctors that, would a bit argue findings, than buckel down and assist the tolerant

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There's a function why they send for it medical "practice".You might want to look into spell check to be taken seriously.....

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