Missed Periods , Hair Growth, Acne?

I started menstruating at the age of 11, at around the age of 13 my period because completely irregular , i visit the doctor & he said it be majority, so this continued up until a couple months ago (im 19 now) i saw the doctor nearly this again end year & he said it be typical & that it take a while to go and get regulated but i have be menstruating for over 8 years . Now lately I enjoy notice alot of werid acne & alot of facial coat growth .. on my chin but my period are somewhat regular in a minute; but the pms is awful it starts roughly speaking 2 weeks up to that time i in actuality start my time & when i do return with my length it go on for days & it is so sore i almost cry .. i also enjoy big acne bumps adjectives over my thighs (near my groin area) resembling here massive almost similar to pimples but bigger, should i see a doctor just about this or is it basically a phase? Any assistance or suggestions, personal stories etc would be greatly appreciated! Thanks : )

First bra stories?

You involve to see a doctor. You enjoy symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Something incredibly similar happen to me. It is treatable next to medication and symptoms greatly revolutionize (acne, PMC, mane growth) near treatment. PCOS also cause other types of issues next to glucose intolerance and insulin organization. Go to your gynocologist. If you own a gynocologist who is also an endocrinolgist, even better.

strange bumps?

Have you have your thyroid scan?

Are you a docter? or practical adequate? PLEASE HELP?

these are signs of anerexia, i don't know if u are or it is something else. don't verbs around your freight u probably look fine

Frequent UTI's and Protein in urine?

You involve to find a different doctor. You could enjoy a thyroid problem. This diffenantly requests to be delt next to. If your doctor won't appropriate you seriously you stipulation to keep hold of trying until you find a doctor who will poke about for a cure. It could also be a hormone inconsistency. Good luck.

What if you own already started you spell and you are getting white gooey stuff in your underwear?

PCOS is a possibility, but it's not extraordinary for girls near instinctively dignified level of testosterone to own adjectives those symptoms.

Go backbone to the doctor and ask him to run test for free testosterone level and estrogen level. Ask in the order of PCOS contained by selective.

He may not be sharp to do too much at 19. Or he may simply suggest birth control pills to up your estrogen level so that the testosterone will be kept better lower than control and the beard growth slowed down.

Came bad BCP within Nov..?

It sounds resembling you enjoy PCOS. Those are like mad of the symptoms. Check out the relation below for more information and stir see your doctor. S/he can assistance you!

Good luck

I want a big round butt---HOW?

go 2 the doctors

What does a yeast infection grain similar to?

ok thats repulsive see a doctor or ginecologyst they probley know more

Does doing sit ups rearrangement your extent?..or any exercise around the time of your extent.?

sounds approaching you own PCOS, i own it too

PLZ!support my obverse!!?

I own used this importantly informative information and it worked for me in getting rid of my pesky acne. And you don't stipulation to buy expensive acne cream any! http://www.theknowguide.com/acnefree.htm...

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