What if you have already started you period and you are getting white gooey stuff in your underwear...?

and it smells... what do u do? 2 capture rid of it and the smell

will my boobs seize smaller?

Sounds approaching some compassionate of bacterial infection-perhaps bacterial vaginosis. See a doctor for treatment.

Has anyone have any problems beside Mirena? Has anyone gotten pregnant on Mirena?

I don't really devise you can receive rid of it. Maybe speak to your doctor?

May you own sex when you enjoy a yeast infecyion?

Maybe you hold some sort of infection, jump to the doctor.

Menstrual cramps and nouns..?

See the doctor you could own a yeast infection, or if you've have sex after you could enjoy an STD, which also desires medical attention

If I took my birth control at 8oclock concluding dark, would it hold be engaged by presently?

that is totally regular! its vaginal discharge, and it does come after you start your length. as for the smell, i use fragranced pantyliners to gross it smell better.
dutiful luck!

Is it alright to run cough syrup while breatfeeding?

Can't you maintain the gross stuff on the inside of your interrogate??? DUH, you enjoy an infection, turn to the DR!

Iam 27yrs elderly, Plz furnish me some home-made tips to increase my breast?

it's merely dis-charge...happen to every girl

Birth Control Pills & Antibiotics ?

its probably vaginal discharge. u can use pantiliners so dey cant stain ur undies. and discharge is other gonna enjoy a smell but if it stinks really unpromising den u should stir and see a doc. cuz it could be a yeast infection

The actual produce of yeast infection?

the white gooey stuff i believe it's call leukorrhea. it's common, and the easiest course to bring back rid of it is to use pantyliners and alter it recurrently. i don't know if you can completely bring back rid of it, but i deem it have something to do near your diet...

During a pap tryout, my doctor found a tissue discoloration bet. my cervix and uterus. Should I verbs?

If you hold any discharge except your usual menstrual blood, you should see your doctor. It could be any one of several things, including:

A yeast infection
A bacterial infection

You should see your OB/GYN as soon as they will see you. They may want you to hang around until your menses ends, but permit them desire that. Don't mess around, because if it is a STD, it may be treatable.

why are white girls more susceptible to anorexia than black girls?

Well, i can't comfort you near that, it is purely a hormone point, I would simply jump near the flow.

My Hormones?

It's call discharge, you use pantiliners when you hold it. Most women own discharge because it's cleaning out stuff from your vagina. So it's a suitable point. but if it's discomfited, freshly use pantiliners.

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