Frequent UTI's and Protein in urine?

I hold be getting UTI's roughly every 2-3 months since I be 16. I also hold big level of protein in my urine. Sometimes i enjoy traces of blood within my urine even when I dont hold a UTI. And I still enjoy the foreboding of UTI even when Ive be tested and dont hold one. What could this be? Ive have a ultrasound on my kidneys and an (MRI)? on my lower tummy. Everything come subsidise common. Sometimes i draw from throbbing underneath my rib on the vanished side and spinal column strain. MY doctor is an idiot...and noone seem to know what is going on. Anyone ever own similar problems similar to this? What could it be? Thanx,



You requirement to move about to a renal specialist. Protein and blood in your urine is not typical.Your kidneys sit high-ranking up around your rib enclose. That would explain the headache you are describing. Please, please, jump seize a second evaluation. Not adjectives doctor's are great doctors.

how do i stop my term?

well it seem that your dr have thoroughly investigated you, so they cannot be toomuch of an idiot. alot of serious things own beem ruled out, so you should be glad of that,
I don`t know you hold an irritatable lower UT....
im assuming your renal blood profiles own be typical too, as you didnt mention otherwise. sometimes drs cant pass you a definitive answer, if adjectives investigations are mundane , they can rule out lots, but diagnosis is not other an attainable endpoint.

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