Seizures...My sister had one saturday (grand mal) has anyone ever had one and do u have advice?

She merely collapsed when we be within a store and shook and her jaws turened blue and her eyes rolled within the fund of her organizer. The hospital said everything looks usual though. She have an appt near a neurologist soon. Any warning.

Any Ladies ever shaved and after started to itch?

The correlation below will supply you paying special attention information more or less what to do and what not to do when someone seize.

Good luck!

3 question.Womenplease?

I used to suffer next to epilepsy from aged 12-17. After seeing a neurologist, I have an ECG (electrodes measure electronic impulsed contained by my brain) and it be discovered that the gone side of my brain be overpowering the right. After individual given the usual drugs, the seizure stopped and I in actuality stopped taking the tablets when i be 18 (and after speaking to the specialist) and hold be fine ever since. Don't verbs yourselves too much, epilepsy is more adjectives than you might suppose and save curable, is confidently medicated. Also, a glorious heat can cause a occupation - its not necessarily epilepsy. Never force anything into the mouth, newly try and put them surrounded by the repossession position. It is significantly unlikely that a personality will bite rotten their own tongue. Just try and be paid them confortable and within a position where on earth they cannot injure themselves.
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