HI!Yesterday, while my boyfriend and I were have sex, we noticed that his condom be smeared?

with a little blood. We assumed it be the beginning of my length ( which is expected around this time.) I thought that my period would merely continue-- but it hasn't . I still get cramps extraordinarily similar to menstrual cramps but my period hasn't started. What is wrong? Is here such a thing as sex stopping a time of year?. (Sounds so weird...)

(There be no pain during sex and I be extremely lubricated even before he enter me so I don't think its vaginal bleeding)

Surgical abortion?

If you hold health concerns, see your doctor.

By the track, way too much information.

I finished the Provera taunt a few days ago?


People burning alive in tanning beds?



What's taking place to me?!?! (Girls only)?

No wouldn't stop it. Just wait, if you are getting cramps I would utter that its not far away.

Do oral contraceptives increase breast size?

Periods stink

How should i?!?

Don't worry you will take your period, the blood be just b/c, resourcefully, your blood was inside you. get hold of it? Just wait.

Why is my tresses falling out soo much?

Wait, wait, skulk... You haven't even had your interval yet, and you've have sex? You are way too youthful... get a hobby, girl!

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