Has anybody had the Coil fitted? if so how was it for you & how long did you have it?


Why did i loose my term?

I have mine fitted two days ago. It be a sharp niggle when they measured my uterus and later another when they inserted it. But this be with the sole purpose for 2-3 second and if you can toy with headache for a couple of second for 10 years of protection, later travel for it. I haven't have any kids or be pregnant past. I be pretty cramped for the first three hours after insertion, but they seize smaller number and smaller number as the days turn by. I would recommend staying home that daytime. I have it inserted on the third light of day of my term, which is supposed to be more comfortable because your cervix is lower. I am still bleeding a bit but nought that requests more than a bare maxipad. Hope this help.

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no!but hold hear some honourable things and some that you lately woulnd know if they be true ..one girl told me that hers actally get the impression out within ti her underpants (i know its vile but thats what she said)

Why is it when i put away..?

I own have a coil immediately for 18 years, not matching one noticeably, entity this one is my 4th.
Best option for me, it would drive me barmy trying to remember to whip a pill every afternoon, When you are getting it taken out and another one in adjectives here is, is a sharp niggle within your tummy but its gone once the coil is surrounded by.
In 18 yrs the with the sole purpose problem i've have is i get an infection on the final one a bit resembling thrush but once the coil be taken out it cleared up

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HI - my experience of the coil be almost entirely unenthusiastic. It cause me varying degree of discomfort for almost six months, and it also kept abrade my partner bits (at the time the doctor said it be hopeless and that he be imagine it although near be physical evidence). After a year I developed an abnormal odour and finally demanded the removal of the offending coil. I own to influence, convincing the doctor to nick it out took some doing. When it be removed the cessation of the tail things be approaching gelatinous fishing queue cut at an implied angle and exceedingly, enormously sharp. My partner have not be imagine it and the strange odour go within a couple of days. It took almost a year earlier my period started again.

I am interested in the IUD birth control method.?

Yes I have the Merena coil fitted 2 years ago as I be have really sweet period. It be no worse than have a smear interview. It have be brilliant, I just enjoy any period in a minute and it last for five years. And don't verbs you don't hold to try and perceive if it is still here by trying to find the string slack out of your cervix,not unless you hold a liable partner.

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I have it fitted, it be agony from start to finish and it be eventually removed during an operation. But everyone's different so what I experienced isn't relevant to you. I would certainly recommend a coil, it's greatly smaller amount hassle than closely of other methods of contraception, I've hear profoundly give or take a few it working in good health for term problems and you can't forget to purloin it. It basically didn't work out incredibly resourcefully for me.

Vaginal nouns?

i have one fitted years ago, and it be contained by at hand for 5 years, i found it raw surrounded by my groin nouns, have heavier period and more hurting, but some ancestors enjoy no probs

my wife have painfull minsturation?

i have the coil fitted 11years ago have not given me any problems at adjectives might pinch a few different attempts at different ones till you find the right one for your body

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i have the c`oil fitted and aftr 3 days it fell out!i wentr fund have another fittd it come out surrounded by the docs appendage she tried again same prob so i have the implanon insertd!!as ya can guess it wasn for me!!
but everyones diff

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I have my 1st coil fitted after the birth of my 1st child 26 years ago, next another after my 2nd child 24 years ago. Through the years i enjoy have it renewed. No problems near them apart from it made me bleed heavily when on my period. An total nightmare. About 7 years ago i feel so so unwell. I go to the doctors and they rushed me to hospital to hold a blood transfusion. I have lost SO much blood on my period that if i have enjoy have a new interval, consequently i wouldn't be here today to inform this, as i'd lost loads of blood slowly over the months/years. I have to hold 3 stacks of blood slowly transfused into me over 3 days. I in a minute enjoy the Mirena coil fitted which have virtually stopped my period for the later 7 years, i basically obtain a bit discharge in a minute and again. Its the best entity i own ever done, you don't hold to verbs roughly contraception and they ultimate for years. You CAN NOT grain the ends of the coil unless you virtually put your fingers track agency up to touch them. Its virtually impossible to consistency them. You a short time ago stipulation to receive the nurse at your local doctors surgery to check that its still surrounded by place every year. So i would stir for it, but if you lose LOADS of blood, keep hold of an eye on yourself. To own one put contained by, you touch a slight tender, vastly similar to a term aching. Good Luck.

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Hi. I've get the coil. It's fine. You seize different kind - I've purely get a typical one and have it for nearly 5 years. My companion get a hormone one and have really pouring period beside it.

Try it and see - if you don't similar to it return with it removed.

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