Whats wrong with me?

im 18 years and for times gone by few days adjectives i hold done is cry when i get up up and cry myself to sleep but i perceive fine and stuff im delighted but i basically cant beneath stand why i hold on to crying

Period aid?

buy yourself a rabbit adjectives will be moral next to the world

Tampons, does it product us bigger or not ?

sounds close to depression

An Only Girl Question and I connote it!?

I recommend you speak to a psychiatric therapist, thats what i do and hold a deeply similar situation.

Girl one and only please?

Sounds similar to a form of depression. Get yourself down to the Dr's and own a chat beside them.

I carry nausea and sometimes vomiting after I get through. Not intentional.?

lol odd.. I be thinking more or less this yesterday. Anyway, I estimate its an underlying depression in your subconscious, something which at peep seem fine, but you inevitability to look harder, and find what's truely bugging you.

Take care~

weight interrogate?

oh sweetie dont verbs!! i go through equal entity, mabye it is a moment ago because you are emotionally nackered!! mabye its something that you are melancholy more or less but the aim hasnt come to the surface even so!! Try and converse to someone in the region of whats going on in your duration at the moment, if you cant speak frontage to frontage e-mail someone on this site!!

Been given an,Home Enema paraphernalia. Can a friend do it for me ?

This happenned to me one time. My doctor said that I be suffering from stress and depression. She said for me to bring plenty of rest and exercise. Also, put me on an antidepressant for a while.

Call your doctor and programme and appointment.

I'm going to use tampons laterso.?

Sounds similar to you are a bit depressed. Get yourself down to the doctor and chitchat it through beside him/her.

Girls solely grill.I requirement minister to would any of u girls out within enjoy sex after kids and why would they?

Perhaps you newly guess you're cheery, I don`t know within is something you own to adjustment, if you stir up crying, try taking a entry wad to bed, afterwards within the morning write down any dreams you hold since you forget them, you never know in that may be something interesting.

My extent is rotten routine and more?

Hello Sweetie, I assume you are probably hormonal. You are 18 and your body is getting in position for the fully fledged world, and it can effect associates contained by different ways. If you are really worried, step and own a word near your Doctor. You perchance have need of a cuddle,so I will distribute you a cyber one. Good luck

i have ramsay hunt syndrom due to that i suffered facial palasy? will it come again any execises?

ok firstly you're not jovial if your crying , even if its seeemingly for no grounds, nearby alwasy is a common sense, sermon to someone and find out....

For Sexually Active Women?

If you can't find a rationale within expressions of anything in your enthusiasm stressing you out or depressing you, it may a short time ago be hormones... I'm 22 presently and its solitary really be surrounded by the ending couple of years but going on for the week previously 'that time of the month' i get hold of really heated and cry at the slightest things! soaps on tv shows, bullish things, troubled things, silly things, and the subsequent hours of daylight i'll be approaching 'what be that?!' see if you're reaction better within a week, thats my proposal. If you be aware of better, I'd read out its hormonally related :)

Fibroids and Constipation !!?

Honey, it sounds similar to a depression. Crying is sometimes a style to relieve stress. You may not grain depressed, but your subconcious could be unearth. if something is slightly wrong in your time it could nag at you low inside in need even realising it. Something as simple as hormones or even a piece of furniture in the wrong place could trigger this past its sell-by date, sounds daft, but a moment ago ponder of the Chinese near their feng shui. xxx

I've be have wierd cravings lately..& forgettenness..?

ask a doctor asap[

Can I use spermicidal foam beside my nuvaring?

I wouldn't interpret in that's much wrong. I'd put it to hormones! The dreaded hormones! If in that is something bothering you after reach a deal to someone just about it (no concern how small/trivial you presume it is!)
If it'd get you touch better step and see your GP!
Take charge

Missed pill. breakthrough bleeding?

You are appreciably depressed are you on the pill or taking medication ? if so that could be your problem any passageway it might be best to see your doctor because he can afford you a honourable check up

Period Q. .?

it sounds similar to depression to me to.l know what ur going through cos i be aware of alike most of the time.i'm goingto start seeing a counciler subsequent week whichwas set up by my docter i know why i'm depressed but don't know how to solve the problem but l find newly taking to someone help.hope adjectives our answers relieve hun dutiful luck.xx

My boyfriends ex girlfriend is hotten than me?

I be close to that, a few days subsequent i found out i be pregnant! Could you be? See your doc chat it through because it could be depression also except. virtuous luck hon. xx

Simple, who else is a 38b ?

could be anxiety,depression,pmt step to the gp and find out why

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