Is It Normal To Have Your Period 2 Weeks After I Stopped?

This is only my second period!
Is this conventional?
Links would be great, please be specific!
Thank you.


Answers:    Yep. Its normal when you're just starting.

Your body is setting itself on a cycle. That's adjectives.

I believe so, if I remember correctly from the lesson I learned today, then it should be fine. I believe the Menstruation Cycle is supposed to closing 28 days in total and then it restarts. The Period subdivision that you actually see and feel is customarily on the 14 day after you started it, but it changes.

My mentor was telling us that sometimes it differs for every women, and some women in actuality have it where they can't predict their Period because it is other different. He said that your Period can sometimes come on the last days of the Menstruation Cycle, sometimes it can come on the beginning of the Menstruation Cycle. So sometimes it is really unpredictable when it comes, so it is without fault normal for you, so don't worry roughly speaking it..
yes it is normal. this is common the first year of 2 of getting your spell. You may get it sooner than expected, then a few months subsequent it may not come at all. Your body has to acquire used to the changed, and will balance out, it's all section of growing up. You have nothing to worryabout. Any remember, respectively woman is different, so as your friend get their first periods, they may own ddifferenteexperiences Yeah, your periods are REALLY irregular when you first start. I completely missed mine one month. Started early another, started unpaid another...

"Irregular periods are common surrounded by girls who are just beginning to menstruate. It may run the body a while to sort out all the changes going on, so a girl may hold a 28-day cycle for 2 months, then miss a month, for example. Usually, after a year or two, the menstrual cycle will become more regular. Some women continue to own irregular periods into adulthood, though.".
Yes. Here's the big not to be mentioned: There is no "normal" for periods. Every woman is different. Also, stress, life change, birth control, diets, and etc can mess up your cycle.

By mess up I mean missed periods, put a bet on to back periods (like yours), chunky periods, and light period..
Because you just started I would say that's conventional. It's gonna take a while before your term will regulate itself. It will likely be a few years before you find normal but still it may be a good hypothesis to "track/write them down" so you will see the trends it takes now. its commonplace, since you just started getting them, your hormones are out of balance. It could pocket a year or more for your periods to stabilize and become predictable. Best thing to do during this time, drink right. This will help coordinate any changes going on contained by your body..
No, it is not normal but if this is only your second term I would give it some more time to get what is run of the mill for you. Everyone is different, some girls have periods every 3 to 4 weeks, some girls hold one every 5 weeks. completely. the first few cycles will be weird, and it may even be irregular for a year or two before you gain into a solid schedule. the first time i had my spell it was like 2 1/2 months beforehand i got my second!!.
youre still irregular, when i first got my spell i would get another one onlyy four dayys after it stopped - dont worry more or less it. it usuallyy takes a couple of years for you to become regular, meaning approx. every 28 dayys yes that happen to me sometimes the first year i started my period. it's completely normal to own irregular periods. it's just call a double cycle or double period. .
It's not uncommon, especially when your term is new to you. It can also happen if you step on birth control. It has to do with hormones and how your body adjust to them. can be a good resource for info. i read that your body tries to stabilize itself and the hormones involved, so in the first 2 years approximately it's terribly irregular..
Yes, it is very normal since it be your first flow and this is only your second one... But if it keeps on you should step visit a doctor. yes, this is totally normal especially since you are purely starting. you can try or

Totally normal for the first year or so yeah since you just started its without a flaw normal :].
yup perfectly normail since ur freshly starting no clue.
its happend to me tons of times.
dont worry about it!

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