Nicotine, Fertility and Egg Donation?

I'm pursuing becoming an egg donor. I'm in excellent health-- the only problem is I smoke. Only 2-3 pack a week, and I plan to quit while I'm engaged within the donation process.

The issue is I'm sure they will give me a toxins screening, among other test, as part of my initial robustness evaluation to qualify as a donor. Do they test for nicotine? How will they determine if I own smoked, and how far in credit of the screening do I need to stop smoking smart to be "clean"?

Does it hurt 2 have sex?

Nicotine breaks down pretty summarily in the body... the partially life is something on the writ of a day (I'm not effective any reference materials) and it usually become undetectable within smaller quantity than a week. Since you are a reasonably neutral smoker you might be at undetectable levels faster than that.

Usually egg donation agencies will reject you if you enjoy smoked within the final three months. I strongly suggest you be honest with them and in reality quit at least three months earlier you try donating... smoking reduces your number of righteous follicles, lowers your egg quality, and reduce fertilization rates.

Diet HELP!?

I also was thinking roughly speaking doing the same point and I smoke too. They check everything they do blood work and skin work. They want 2 know if the donor is healthly before the salary you for your donation. They are pretty pickie and dont lie create they will find out.

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