Me and my aunt are having a debate about donating an egg?

She say that when you donate an agg and the woman you donate to have a little one the newborn doesn't own your genes, it have the genes of the woman you donated the egg to. Also, she said that a woman donating an egg is resembling a man donating sperm, adjectives she have to do is hold an orgasm.

I don't agree near any of that. Could you please narrate me what is true?

Ultrasound Question? ::LADIES ONLY::?

".. it have the genes of the woman you donate it to." adjectives she have to do is hold an orgasm"... Funny.
You give the impression of being to be smarter than your aunt. Please don't consent to her donate any of her eggs.

Ok this is in the order of my friend?

A woman's orgasm have nil to do near egg donation. That would anticipate you couldn't bring pregnant in need climaxing? Makes no sense.

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I don't know anything almost genes, but contained by demand for a woman to donate an egg she have surgery and they remove the egg.

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It will own your genes and the genes of whomever donates the sperm. You are donating the egg. She is a short time ago carrying it in her body.

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Is your aunt for existing?

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She is right. Basically it is one and the same piece - the doctor will inject you near hormones to take home your body release eggs and later they will be harvest. From what I hold read, this is not exactly an agreeable experience and is sore, gentle of close to magnified term cramps. But since they are YOUR eggs next to your DNA and placed into the body of another woman, it is essentially similar to SHE is carrying YOUR babe-in-arms.

There is an interesting book almost this subject call "Confessions of a Serial Egg Donor" that I read second year. The woman donated mulptiple times, which is silly, and severely screwed up her body within doing so.

PS. Ok, I missed the sector in the order of orgasm. That have zilch to do near it. But it is highly central for the MAN to hold one. LOL

PSS. OK, I totally read that wrong. Whatever I said finances YOU are right. Sorry.

I call for a cup of freakin' coffee.

Orgasms? [Girls Only Please]?

I'm not an OBGYN, but I know next to certitude that if you donate an egg, the little one will enjoy your genes. 50% you, 50% from the mannish who fertilized the egg. Therefore the woman carrying the newborn will not be contributing any gene to the child. Donating an egg is not as unproblematic as donating sperm and it does not require an orgasm. I've in actual fact hear it kinda hurts when they get the eggs...but consequently again, I've never done it. You are right, your aunt is wrong.

can any other females email me and im me?

it is not true. so i deduce u win the debate something like donating an egg

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Your aunt is poorly learned.

Your egg = your dna. One egg (normally) is released respectively cycle (normally 28 days). NOT during orgasm. That method of 'dna release' (a.k.a. - sperm) belongs to the guys. A donated egg have to be 'farm' by a reproductive specialist. You would most plausible be put on hormone psychotherapy to induce the release of several eggs at a time.

why do women own freak'n PMS?

I would not do it. Even if the tot doesn't enjoy your genes it is piratically still your kid weather or not you slept near someone and have it or donated it. I penny-pinching it is wrong. And do you really want a kid to grow up and find out subsequent that it come from a girl who donated her egg to it's "mother"! I plan i wouldn't want to know that i be a donated egg. Would you?

How do they FALSE it?

no to both....when you donate an egg, it is your egg that the tot grows from so it have your genes--it purely grows within the other woman's body but it does not own any of her genes. Eggs are not released when you enjoy an orgasm, a doctor have to carry out a surgical procedure where on earth they run surrounded by and remove them from your body.

Did u gain immensity within your thighs during pregnancy? i am really hate achievement counterbalance lol complaining for a while!

no she's wrong. basis it take weeks to attain the right treatments contained by decree to donate the egg. it's different from donating the sperm. and yes they hold the genes from who donated, that's why they turn out for someone that have similar appearances as the mother or dad.

Please back? (Girls Only.)?

Get your aunt a rough book on the reproductive system.
Eggs must be harvest from inside your body.
Come on, every time you own an orgasm you don't discard an egg! Eggs involve a month to ripen and every month singular one [ or two ] are released at a time.
If a individual uses anothers egg and sperm, the little one will enjoy the inheritance of the donating parents.
I am serious nearly getting her a book or video.
You win so she have to cart you and adjectives your eggs on a shopping spree!

how do you know if youve have a miscarriage?

If you donate and egg it have your genes it is YOU..
Sperm.. holds the genes of the man.
I connote anyone who though differently probably also think you can draw from pregnant from a b*ow j0b.

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Wow, your Aunt desires to do some reading. The egg will enjoy the Doners DNA not the woman's DNA who receive the egg. And orgasms don't even come into play beside women.
A doctor have to us a nozzle to garner the eggs from the woman's ovaries.

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the tot will hold the genes of the individual who donated the egg

aproximatly the 14th afternoon of a womans menstral cycle is the time when an egg is released. not everytime a woman have an orgasm.

wow sex coaching have come a long bearing over the years. lol!

Girls minister to what will the docter do ? worried?

OK- an egg have the DNA of the woman it come from. It will combine near the chromosomes of the sperm it is fertilized next to. Therefore, the woman surrounded by which it is implanted have no genetic intertwine to the egg. In some cases of IVF, if your own egg be harvest, fertilized contained by the lab and after implanted into you, it will own your DNA, as it is your egg. If your egg is implanted into a surrogate the egg will hold your DNA, as the egg is from you.

Eggs own to be "harvested". This is an contained by bureau procedure which is plentifully more involved than a cup and a magazine. The egg donor will hold to bear fertality treatments to increase the change of athletic eggs, which are removed by an ultrasound guided hypodermic (think amnio).

A angelic information site is nominated below. Good luck.

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She is completely wrong. You enjoy to steal shot for a few months and later they remove the egg.You should do some investigating.

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lol your aunt is out-of-date right... still living in feeble ways.... is she still afraid and warn you of the "one eyed snake"

drop by that will make a contribution you the upper foot... to become an egg donor you must cart the meds they endow with you, you must dispatch them photos of your self adjectives through go so race will know what your child potentially will look similar to... they obligation your med history since it is your child they want to know what potential med problems it will own.... you are giving your egg your genes to a woman to own beside her husband so it is really yours and her husbands child....

PROBLEM!! Can anyone helpe?!?

your aunt is a moron.

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If it's for a well-mannered rationale after yes you should do it. If it's only just for the sake of giving an egg freshly to say-so you hold done it next you might want to re-examine.

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When a donor is elected by a receiver (the infertile woman) both women are placed on fertility drugs efficient to synchronize their menstrual cycles.

When the eggs hold matured, they are gather from the donor and artificially inseminated up to that time person implanted into the receiver's womb (uterus).

The merely DNA will be that of the egg donor (female) and the sperm donor (male); the receiver will contribute no DNA.

Your aunt is horrifically misinformed on the entire thing of artificial pregnancy technique.

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