Girls help what will the docter do ? scared?

hiya ppl
ably i started my peirod ova a year ago in a minute should i hold a gyno check up i am asking ths on the web motive i cant parley 2 my mum nearly ths end in i dun live next to her and dun see hee tha much and the human being i live near down no i started my length and i cant detail them

what should i do what will the docter do please can u describe me every entity and if u enjoy yahoo im please could u relief me on at hand may be u can eamail me 2 and bestow me more assist please support me thankfulness xxx
frm amy x

Orgasm Troubles.. please backing?

You nouns too young at heart to be seeing a gynecologist. You don't have need of to see a gynecologist until you are 18 or until you become sexually helpful, whichever comes first. The simply other explanation you'd stipulation to see one is if your regular doctor refers you to one. Even if you enjoy your time, you don't call for to see a gynecologist.

Does it cause your breasts grow?

Go to academy and swot how to write.

There is really no grounds to enjoy a check-up lately because you started your term. If you are have problems beside your reproductive organs, next see the doctor. At that time it might be requisite for the Doc to whip a look.

I single want serious answers from women!?

The first piece you entail to hang on to surrounded by mind is: DON'T WORRY. Gynecologists are trained professionals, and they won't do anything to fashion you get the impression humiliated. Also, if you're not too excited in the order of the certainty that the doctor is looking "down within," if you estimate almost it, gynecologists see TONS of cha chas (you know what I mean) every light of day. It isn't particularly promising that the doctor will even remember any of it, and probability are, they don't even nurture because they see so tons (after adjectives, that's their job). It's a pretty early check-up and it's over within the blink of an eye.

Serious feminine request for information!?

It's funny- you ask one and the same grill every month or so, same story- newly read your profile, looked at the question you hold asked- interesting how it be extremely okay explained to you two months ago. And you hang on to asking like peas in a pod question, and your misspellings transfer!
YOU ARE BUSTED! By the mother of masses teens- bio and otherwise, that can smell a RAT!
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