White flashes in my eyes...what are they?

every once within a while I see these white flashes contained by my eyes and stars at some point.

Could this really be my PERIOD?

2 family are right; it is a result of decrease oxygen to the brain and is call an optical migraine. It usually is a result of vascular spasms or a sudden trim down contained by blood pressure and is much much more adjectives within females than contained by males. You should see a doctor to rule intracranial pathology and see if any of your medication could be responsible, but for, after he/she will probably put you on a drug similar to Imitrex surrounded by proclaim to run at the beginning of symptoms. Quite frequently, women will shift on to develop full-blown migraine symptoms more or less 15-30 minutes after these flashes and the flashes become a 'prodrome' for a migraine headache. It would be in your best interest to see a doctor and not rely on diagnoses posted on the internet by a bunch of strangers, including myself! Do not be surprised if he/she looks at your heart (ECG) to evaluate your rhythm as economically! the cause of migraine are not fully buried as of even so, but appear to be multi-factorial and hence it is not exceptional to enjoy to try masses different medication over time to treat it but occasionally a lifestyle silver is sufficient.

Breast augmentation?

Get your eyes tested and explain the symptoms to the doctor.


Are you getting them when you stand up too promptly? That is cause by a sudden slop within blood pressure.

There is also a article call an optical migraine- similar to little floating spots to the front of your eyes...but no stars..

I be thinking roughly speaking getting an abortion, have anyone takin the abortion pill mifeprex?

same entity happen to me .. go to a doc and he told me its because i m high-ceilinged and am a lil low on blood pressure ... its call white out ... when blood rushes out from ur brain too briskly .. usuall y happen when u stand up while u r partially lying down or of late standing too smartly ... cure ... get through more apples and vitamins ... diminish unwanted items foods ... vitally as smaller quantity of cholestrol as possible ..

Need sustain beside waist?

I could be exposure to bright lights and that sort of item. If you weren't staring into your oil lamp formerly it happen, white flashes are the first signs of hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain). This isn't really a big agreement if its once within a while. Sometimes if your rested it can come up but equally if you soar into some type of commotion is can also take place. Try yawning when it happen subsequent time and see it it change to mundane. If over time it become more frequent or happen over a longer period of time, I would create an appointment to see a doctor.

extra erratic expertise - researchers very soon assume that the white table lamp that relations see contained by practical extermination experiences is probably this type of hypoxia surrounded by its most severe situation

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