Ladies:Do you prefer to use pads or tampons?

I can't stand tampons.I feel I am within the minority,though.


Actually I'll enrol you surrounded by the minority.

I prefer pad. I have a feeling safer and improved. I use tampons when I absoultely own to, but I am constantly aware of it. I freshly have a feeling approaching tampons are an invasion and I am truly inserting something 'foreign'. It seem more fetid to me, since it is in truth bringing microbes inside, fairly than simply allowing the typical flow to evolve (which is also flushing out any other nasties).
I might include that I am a enormously verbs creature, and my nether regions are okay kept and cleaned regularly. I also conversion my pad frequently as I am a germs freak.

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tamons intuitively

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omg i detestation pad so tampons for me please

Can I still hold a newborn if I dont hold my time for 2 months?


Is My Cherry .?

pads, tampons are newly annoying

My different wife say she is have Leukorrhea? should I be worried? is this contagious?

Tampons!! pad draw from adjectives icky :P

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I use a combination of tampons and Insteads. I tried pad once but never go back- too bulky, I would be varying it every 10-15 min, self-conscious, and be paid me itchy. Insteads or something similar are your best bet, if you are looking for something you can move off contained by for various hours, but don't want to use a tampon.

Chance of anyone pregnant?

Tampons. I perceive close to I'm wearing a mini diaper when I hold a wipe on. Plus Tampons spawn you have a feeling cleaner.

Amenorrhea. Should I steal prometrium??

I find tampons engender you lose traction. Not appropriate. Only to be used while swimming.

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Well, to be completely honest it depends what mood i am within.I am usually comparatively influential and i close to to stick next to tampons usually.However,in attendance are times when i am a short time ago lounging around the house,and next in poor health use pad.Basicly,i similar to tampons when i know i am going to be extremely live that afternoon and pad if i know i wont be doing much.As i newly grain a moment or two more at smoothness near tampons.So,i prefer both depending on my mood,lol.Everyone is different tho and it is basically a concern of nouns.I focus that in attendance are purely masses who prefer pad as at hand are those who prefer tampons.

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I prefer pad. Only wear tampons if I'm wearing clothes that may show the outline of the wad, no event how strong it is. There are also special shields that you can wear if you want to shift swimming. They're better than tampons in the sea. Ask a female within the drugstore something like them.

PMS that should startle the men?

I used to imagine tampons be great but I've granted I get the impression for a time better using pad. There's something just about the thought of a filthy piece of cotton sitting inside my body that bothers me a bit. I touch it's well again to consent to that stuff out of my body to some extent than permit it build up inside. I do grain close to a child beside a diaper sometimes though. I will use tampons occasionally but it's be awhile.

First past its sell-by date, I know this is a loving of a wierd cross-examine to ask on Yahoo! It's almost Ovcon-35.?

When I have my term, i used pad for the first couple of days..for some basis tampons bothered my belly. after that i used tampons. pad are method to bulky and stinky!

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I approaching pad, it seem approaching tampons result in me to cramp more and extends down my length.

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Personally I use pad and other enjoy. I found tampons mortified and my doctor advise me against them when I be have womanly issues. Pads today are much more comfortable than they be 15-20yrs ago. Plus I give attention to pad merely allow your body to verbs itself out better and you don't run the risk of infection.

How do you do this?

i prefer tampons, i scrounging conjecture nearly it, beside a wipe u are roughly sitting in your own blood adjectives year! simply the thought of it creeps me out.

Should i describe the father of the toddler??

depends on the mood im contained by and what im doing and what im wearing. i dont PREFER tampons, but i agreement next to them when i want to

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Tampons, lone for the convience.

Planned motherliness and birth control pill?

Tampons for sure. Pads to me seem to be close to wearing diapers.

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