Is My Cherry .......
I required to know if my cherry could of poped when this girl hit me beside her knees on my (v) it didn't bleed or anything but i feel approaching if it have get swolen and it be really bleeding....Did it?please right answers .
Do women hold to enjoy here term when have sex?
Probably not. (Even if it did, it really doesn't situation. You are a virgin until you enjoy sex, hymen or not.)
How do you hold on to your inner "V A G I N A" CLEAN? back!! my boobs are tiny!?
no dear your cherry didnt take broken even so you only just thought that have happen but you in truth own to enjoy completely well brought-up sex dear for that to take placeDoes anyone know a natural/homeopathic mode to induce your interval?
no..Should i wear an underwire bra, boys can comfort 2?
unless her knees is the size of ps nope.More Questions & Answers...