Amenorrhea. Should I take prometrium??
Should my doctor exam estrogen, androgen, coritsol, adrenal functions BEFORE I nick the prometrium? I'm conspicuously not pregnant, TSH be conventional, prolactin be ordinary.
If the prometrium induces a spell, does that show I don't hold PCOS?
I'm so confused and not sure if I should rob this prescription or not....
is yogurt well brought-up for my term?
Here is a website to look at that will narrate you different cause for the paucity of time of year the ending 4 months. One of which could be rash menopause. Your doctor should be doing trialling on you to find the result in, not guessing as to what the problem could be. Here is the website, I hope it help.
For Girls merely, thankfulness. About my term?
I reflect on you should tweaking Doctor. If he suspects you enjoy PCOs next you obligation to seize checked out first, next to an ultra-sound to identify cysts, next blood test for your hormone level and also to examination your sugar as it is an endocrynological disorder too and can own other side effects such as type 2 diabetes. Please see a doctor who can lift your skin more seriously. Giving you hormones when he doesn't ven know what is wrong however doesn't nouns especially competent to me. Please don't present up, find a apt doctor and you can return with this adjectives sorted out :)Do women prefer a shaved penis, shaft and scrotum and why?
The gynecologist can do a ovarian ultrasound to see if the ovaries have cysts (they also show up on catscans of the abdomen)...Don't know what prometruim is? Maybe a European drug?
If you are anorexic surrounded by any channel or overexercising, that could stop your period too...if so please chomp through something once in awhile?
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