What could be protruding from my cervix?

I go for a routine pap smear two days ago and the doctor said here be something bright prink protruding from my cervix. When you swabbed it, I scream within aching. It be the most severe spasm I have ever feel. I enjoy an appt. today to see the OBGYN, but, I be wondering. What could this be except cervical cancer? Any comfort would be appreciated.

Is it fruitless if?..?

Possibly a polyp, not possible to be a fibroid I wouldnt reflect...I hope it adjectives go economically for you.

If a woman have a D&C 4 days ago, would a doctor be capable of narrate from a pelvic exam or any other method?

could be HPV

I have a fine & slim frontage until that time?

It is most promising a cyst or a polyp. But any channel, if its cause discomfort next unquestionably enjoy it assessed and treated. Good luck.

What does it anticipate when?

Another pious motivation why we should adjectives run for these test regularly.
Hope it adjectives turns out ok , no notion what it could be did the doc not hold out an assessment

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