I haven't have my spell, but i'm unambiguously not pregnant, whats wrong next to me?

im on the pill and decided to skip my later period because i be on holiday (by taking the next pack straight away) that be last month. But this month i havent have my period any? im definitely not pregnant, of a average weight, im not stressed, i dont smoke, i get through healthy and excersice so i only dont understand why i havent have my period? Has anyone experienced this? any accepted wisdom would be great, thankyou x

also im worried because its been so long that "stuff" might be building up down surrounded by there and is unqualified to come out or something, thats a stupid thing to vote i know but this has never happen before.

Answers:    Try not to verbs too much, this can be completely normal even if you are in general as regular as clockwork. If you miss next months term then I would recommend you gross a routine appointment with your Dr for a immediate check up.

To answer the second part of your press...the lining of the womb won't be building up. When you are on the pill, it is not a true time of year that you have but a renunciation bleed from the hormones. That's why women find their periods are usually lighter when they rob the pill. You don't get the build up within the lining of the womb that you would enjoy if you were ovulating. Very occasionally women enjoy a hymen that completely blocks the vaginal entrance and stops the blood coming out but you would never have have a period if this be your problem. So again, try not to worry. You'll probably find adjectives is back to usual next month. Take exactness :-)
it should be ok, just hang around and youll come on eventually You should always carry your period when you are taking your "inactive" pills... I'd see a doctor.
dont be scard this take place to me last month.
my mom say you body is going tru a thing or something approaching that. I wouldnot worry something like it to much and continue to help yourself to your pills as perscribed, not missing any of the day, you will capture back on rota soon...

With that said, your next length will probally be heaver and last a bit longer than commonplace because of the missed period, which is completely regular.

It is not horrible to miss a period, but if it doesn't start next to your next "inactive" pills afterwards I would talk to your mom or dr. (or someone you trust).
hmm... capably first off i estimate the best solution would either be dance to a doctor like some ppl said or if it still doesnt come on then on i mean months down the lane approaching next month consequently go to the hospital i know it sounds insane but thats what i'd do. and try asking your parents... although it depends how old-fashioned you are again. lol. silly me. hopefully i helped. ^^ you probably threw sour your cycle when you skipped your period and its not really a robust thing to do unless your taking the bcp's that are formulated for you to soundly skip menstruation give it a few days and see if it turns up appropriate luck

if ur stressed out that could cause this

once i didnt get hold of my period for 3 months...i be really stressed and not having sex...budge to the doctor if u want a better answer
i wouldnt worrie to much but see a doco

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