Period question?please help me?

what should i do okay i am freaken out because this have not happen to me beforehand i be skipping my spell 2 months from that normle or is at hand some entry wrong near me?Please lend a hand me!!

any tips? inevitability support girls!?

listen hunny, you are lone 14. back the age of 16, its average to enjoy ireegular period. it will find regular slowly but unequivocally. my friend get her period when she be 14. but it suddenly stopped and for a full year she didnt catch her period. finally she met her doctor who prescribed a drug and evrything be fine. so u neednt verbs. if u still enjoy any doubts abt it, you cn other progress and wish professional minister to. tolerate me assure you that at hand may be zilch serious. nearby is another entry i would similar to to report to you. my friend be completely plump. her doctor told tht overweight can motivation hitch within period. if you are plump, see that u capture proper exerise. adjectives the best

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It will bring some time for your period to be regular so within is no obligation to freak out.

is it possible?

if you be in motion to a doctor, they may read aloud it's stress cuz you're lone 14. My 16 yr prehistoric friend Cassey skipped hers for six months and she be fine. Her doctor said it be stress and i believed it. Just dally it out or if your really concerned, take a gynecologist and hold checkups every once within a while.

Did you bleed after your pap?

due to your age this seem the norm. period can be influenced by heaps of factor and one of them is stress or anxiety. speedy mass loss and bulk gain etc etc. its adjectives average but strangers recounting you this probably wont support a large amount. Go see your doctor for a check up and I'm sure you will be put at make less burdensome. *smile*

How can I construct my PMS term shorter and lighter?

if you are extraordinarily influential contained by sports it can get your period irregular
only to be on the past the worst side and to swot how to do admin your period own your mom create a doctors appointment to discuss it next to him.

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