Missed term, wishy-washy cramps... what is it?

ok so i have my time every 29 days... last month(jan)was on the 18, today is very soon the 19th of feb... i have some cramping, but its different... it is toward the lower bottem of my belly down nearby... i did have unprotected sex on the 4th of feb... i enjoy never had a missed spell before for anything... but i know that i do enjoy a bladder infection, which i am goin to be taking care of here shortly... and a couple of days ago i took a pregnancy audition, which came rear negative... does anyone own an idea??

Answers:    Before you treat the infection procure a second opinion from a doc whether you are pregnant or not.

Never hurts to be sure.
leucemia. filch another prego test.
test CAN sometimes be wrong.
take another.
you might be pregnant.
That be too early to nick a pregnancy test. You would not be competent to detect it. Take that test in a minute then see what happen. its just sometime honey give it at smallest another day or 2
Unprotected sex is never a suitable idea unless you want a tot. Take a pregnancy test, it is the one and only way to put your mind at rest. inform your doctor and probably do the pregnancy test again explanation it may come back possitive
capably unless you are pregnant but it is too early to detail, you probably are just missing a interval. i think it happen to everyone every now and again and is nil to worry just about, but if it really does bother you see a doctor. also, unprotected sex is a silly thing to do if you are not trying to get hold of pregnant!dont do it!

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