A week and four days late period?

my wife is a week and four days belatedly on her spell whats the posibility shes pregnant? ive hear that stress can metamorphosis the time when you bring back you interval and as her best friend have merely died she have be below alot of stress as of unsettled, she have also a short time ago stoped taking drugs just now after much persuasion e.g. concain and escstacy of which she have be taking for give or take a few 4 years would any of these fit in2 the equation or is a pregenancy a oral exam a must? of which be getting this sunday

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Stress can fashion your cycle postponed, same for diet/drugs. I'm afraid the one and only path you will know for sure is a examination.

Boyfriend aid!?

definatly win a pregnancy exam as soon as you can that will set your mind at rest however it could freshly be a suitcase that her body is going through like mad of change as she have only just come sour drugs and so hormones will be adjectives over the place so it jsut could be that she is enormously stressed and that other delay period i no from experiance. But get hold of a question paper anyway jsut to be sure

Good Luck !!

How infirm should a womanly when they should start getting mamograms to check for breastcancer?

Stress and drugs can mess beside her cycle. Most pregnancy test can be taken 10 days after the closing missed time. Give one a run.
I hope you get hold of the result you are looking for

I almost want to be?

Pregnancy examination is other a angelic conception when you are postponed. It wont hurt anything. It sounds approaching stress to me, but I dont know if she have be have protected, un protected or even any sex at adjectives. Pregnancy is other possible if sexual intercourse is have.

PLEASE HELP! Does anybody know remedies for impossible cramping? I cramp so impossible during my length that its complicated for?

I agree beside everyone else, stress and drugs can defently hitch a women's term. The solitary be to know if she's pregnant is taking a home exam.

girls oblige me if you can I'm 23 and more than a touch over weightiness i hold other have really screwed up period

take a assessment consequently you can be sure what's arranged. it's probably only just stress related considering the circumstances and quitting the drugs probably isnt helping her much at the moment although i dont advocate you enlighten her to thieve them again!

lift a testing and if it's denial or positive a moment ago support her within what she feel she wishes to do. if she wishes space, grant her space, and if she wishes you to be nearby for her, be paid sure you are in attendance.

you nouns approaching a totally characteristics and civilized man and she must be a lucky woman for you to hold put up next to adjectives that and still support her.
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