Question about poop (sorry if this is gross)?

I enjoy be pooping really wierdly previously few days. I get hold of the emotion i enjoy to poop profusely and when i try rather bit comes out. Then a few hours subsequent matching item happen. I am not constipated, I own purely be pooping seriously. Could this enjoy anything to do near my menstrual cycle, or mood?

Dry sex orgasm like peas in a pod as intercourse orgasm?

I mull over you're purely full of sh*t!! LOL

mood swings,hot flushes and intense?

its what your drinking. If your intake alot of cast-offs food or sugars your poop will capture harder and individual come out contained by "chunks", try a stool softener

Ok anyone i justw ant opinion not doctor direction purely opinion!?

it could markedly be coupled to your menstrual cycle... or mood, or your body if you are stressed out...

sometimes the body act out of it is not pretty right...

I only just get my spell but i own cramps?

Please do not verbs, it is zilch serious. You do however really requirement to do two things:

1. drink plentifully of water

2. get through fresh green veggies and some unsalted nuts and a few cooked beans (GREAT fiber)

Foods similar to chocolate, sugar, processed, alcohol, too much meat can pass you EXACTLY what you merely described. Even in recent times mediocre ingestion plus stress will do it because your interior disturbed system get unnatural and this affects the MOTILITY within your intestines. You are have motility problems.

BTW please do not lug stool softeners or Metamucil or anything similar to that, the stuff is AWFUL for you. Full of cruel artificial sweeteners, significantly processed cellulose or sugar for one piece.

I guzzle green veggies even at breakfast! Once you win chronological silly societal behaviour it is graceful. For example this morning for breakfast I have a huge plate of broccoli and bok choi steamed, near somewhat olive grease, some eggplant dressing from Trader Joes, pine nuts and partly a sliced fuji apple.

I'm recounting you, drink veggies and fruit adjectives hours of daylight and your prob will step away.

Tip: You can weakly nuke fruits and veggies within the nuker if you are a wuss. It make them softer and tastier.

Good luck!

why have my interval stopped for three months?

womens hormones brand them poop close to crazy right back their term

english is particularly concrete and comfortable?

well if your taking wellbutrin later i touch your aching lol, no seriously i do.
i never have a problem next to doing number 2, but ever since i started taking wellbutrin (anti-depressent) ive be bunged up.
very soon i would reckon that you are not getting plenty fiber,... mmmmmmmmmm fiber lol. immediately if you want a laxitive lol next carry some mineral grease, bring 2 tablespoons of that babe-in-arms, and you will be verbs contained by no time, the crap will of late pour right out of you,
i dont imply to nouns unusual or gross, or anything, i know what it is similar to to be constipated, approaching come on when you are constipated you are missrable, and agittated, and thoroughly particularly mortified, it feel approaching some big-hearted of hemeroid lol, sorry.
dont deny it any sweety, you are constipated, i.e. what happen when you are constipated, when you get to jump, olny little bits come out, and same again latter.
you are constipated, you are constipate, dont touch ashamed.
you are immaculately noemal, we adjectives run through it, and it might enjoy something to do next to your mood, which is related to your metabolisum, when you quality run down , upset or constantly pissed, your body dont break down the food resembling its suppost to, consequently resuliting in constipation, or diahrriah, stress plays a huge factor to hun.

im sorry if i sounded close to i be making fun of you, i wasnt, and im sorry if i affended you
ok hun

apt luck
i hope adjectives go powerfully

My Hormones?

The same article happen to me. Just form sure that your drinking plenty hose down and you want to net sure that your ingestion foods that bequeath you adequate fiber to acquire nice, good bowel movements.

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