My weight?

I'm 14 turning 15 in october. Today I be at the grocery store helping my aunt by pushing her 3 month daughter in a covered stroller. I get seperated for my aunt and be looking for her when this woman come up and asked my how elderly MY toddler be. At first I be shocked that she thought someone my age would be a mother, but presently I'm worried it be because I looked similar to I have only just given birth. I'm 5'6, and weigh 125 pounds. Am I freshly person paranoid, or do i inevitability to lose consignment? Until in a minute, I've never really have a problem.

Im a 12 year girl and i weigh 120 pounds and im 5'2-3 is that stout?

5'6" and 125 lbs is a fine mass! you are childlike and probably striking but i know man a teen you can be so insecure. trust me you are fine!

Unusually hard to digest spell?

they newly reckon that because it is so adjectives for teenagers to enjoy babies. i hold younger siblings and i bused to gain that plentifully. and no u dont entail to lose substance i am 5'1" and weigh around 125 and inhabitants read out i am scraggy, so you are a moment ago fine.

Could I be pregnant? Please serve me!?

heyy your fine that female be rude she requests to own her own business

whats the point of the squatting type toilets?

honey your fine. you do not necessitate to lose counterweight. im 5'2" and weigh 103. so your counterbalance seem just right to me. dont verbs in the order of it hon.

horseriding abet?

no your not even close to flab im 10 turning 11 and im close to really kinda skinny and weigh 136 so dont verbs

Can u kind your boobs grow?

your at a natural shipment! i suppose she newly said that becuz deeply of pubescent girls nowdays are getting pregnant.

Low blood pressure?

no u dont inevitability to lose consignment! u are small

If I am taking a prescription that say "help yourself to one tablet 3 times a day"?

Nah, you should be at a without fault just what the doctor ordered bulk immediately. You are going through puberty, similar to adjectives us teenagers, so you may gain a few more pounds, but not simply cuz your a teen, but because you are a girl, and we tend to gain more counterbalance during puberty because we inevitability it for our boobs and hips.

You will eventually slim out and return with boobs and hips proportional to your body, but puberty ends around your 20s, so you still enjoy a long time to grow.

Just get through hygienic, exercise, and indulge once in a while (what I close to to send for a "you deserve it" snack) and enjoy a great go...

Enjoy yourself very soon because once you receive elder, it's gunna return with closely tougher...

Hope I help, and suitable luck.

And no, you are not paranoid, it's middle-of-the-road... The other daytime, my sister be asked "when are you due?" because she is for a time overweight and have huge boobs, but she's not PREGNANT... She be pretty nutty after that incident :)

what are the medical affects of not have regular bowel movements?

Wow your tiny..don't stress that encounter...that be merely a rude female..try your hardest to pretend it didn't begin.

A sincere women's robustness sound out?

ur weightiness is fine..not to verbs
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