Ladies, females. please support. how do we do that?

i've noticed that girls are like some open-handed of expert at slapping us guys. they hang out the hand and smack! you can't do anything, because they're too nifty to block. 1 even told me not to bother trying to, i can't block it. they do it jokingly, and i just want to prove them wrong, but how can i block that? it seems resembling i can't.

Answers:    The only reason you can't block it is that you're not expecting it..
It comes from years and years of individual told that we shouldn't hit women. And I'm cool with that...I don't frequently go around pimp smacking smaller folks, anyway...just the kind of guy I am. In any luggage, so they get this lightning-quick slap-o-matic and we get the back-hand (for adjectives you Ike Turner fans, that is)...I'd say it's a pretty tolerant trade.

I did actually block a slap one time, just off-handed. I didn't even be a sign of to block because my g/f at the time was very angry and I deserved to be slapped (that time) but I completed up causing quite a bit of twist to her hand, wrist and forearm just within that one motion (broken ulna, in the end). I DID feel discouraging about it later because I thought she might enjoy stop being so insane if she could have purely connected that one dice, though. See...blocking a girl-swipe isn't always a good point..
lol, it depends how predictable the person youre talking roughly is. if shes like crazy then youre out of luck but if shes effortlessly predictable then if you think shes in the region of to hit you just move out of the way tangible quick so you dont look stupid trying to duck or block it. and if she jokes almost it just say "i would slap you pay for you know" and then they might stop... or not lol.Good Luck!! You can't. It's a girl thing.

you can't its something we do when y'all don't feat right. Take it and let it go its basically a reflex for us girls to tormet you guys !
take it like a man or swot kung fu u cant really. its a girl thing. u hav 2 be a girl 2 understand

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