Why has my period stopped for three months?

I enjoy other have regular period that come every 30 days similar to clockwork, but for the concluding 3 months I hold not have one! My husband and I be really hoping that I be pregnant, but Im not. (I have a blood test) I stopped taking the pill (ortho-tri-cyclin) in the region of 7 months ago. I have some irregular period after comming past its sell-by date the pill, which my doctor said is run of the mill and immediately they own completely stopped for the finishing 3 months!! My overall vigour is excelent and I enjoy not gain or lost any weightiness lately. What the heck is wrong near me!? Is here anything that I or my doctor can do to spring start my period again!?

Stress can mete out you not to hold a time of year. Also, if you work out alot that can deferment a cycle for awhile. Go to your GYN and share him/her your concerns and you might inevitability some carrying out tests done.
my best suggestion is to desire the judgment of another doctor. transport trouble.