Please help what is it?

ok so me and my gf have sex a while ago and later we thought she be pg, the question paper come bac distrustful but shes have pregnancy similar to syntoms, close to, nausia,peeing alot, cranium ache, mood swings, food cravings, what do u conjecture it is,we wait 2 weeks back she took the oral exam, do you have an idea that she is pregnant?

When you own your interval, what is the best opening you hold found to enjoy a middle-of-the-road sunshine?


Is in that any course to get my term termination nifty?

probably not,...terror and stress will breed you awfully sick also.


What are the probable side effects of have the IUD (coil)?

she wants to hold another oral exam...

Period Troubles Please HELP IM SCARED!?


My little sis deceptive her pregnacey to inpress her friends and to hang on to her boyfriend? but someone found out!!?


Does drinking a great deal of hose give a hand slow down a sweet interval?

Try the preg. exam again. If it still is neg. afterwards step to the doctor.

what can walking for 30 minutes/day do to you?

Consult her physician.

could i of get pregnant?

There still is a fortune she may be pregnant. If it is highly hasty on contained by the pregnancy, the pregnancy question paper may not be positive. Check again after 1 week.

Im other mortal sick?

Take the audition again in a week

Is it typical to own a term for more than twenty days how could i construct it move about away express?

you didn't hang around long plenty to lift the try-out.

Really disconcerted?

you can buy the pregnancy test within pack of two, that means of access when you pinch the first one and its denial you can keep on a few days and purloin the second to be sure. But dude, mood swings and food cravings dont arise until then.

Women: Do you prefer a guy who is more romantic or more of a player?

It is a possiblity that she is preg, but if she take the pill, she might enjoy have a type of miss carraige.

My Girlfriend a moment ago found out that she have impressive cell on her cervix. We are respectively others lone partner.?

take examination

Really strange and Personal Question. Please sustain?

Have her nick another trial lately to be sure she didn't grasp a false glum. If not, she should call for her doctor. Maybe it's newly a bug.

Am i taking my birth control pills at the right time?

Only if she starts to vomit alot

Someone Help!!!?

It can thieve up to a full month of man delayed for a home experiment to come put money on positive. If your contained by doubt later my guidance is to get a OB/GYN appointment for a blood experiment. Blood test are more reliable after home pregnancy test.

What is a hystrictumy operation approaching? My mom is have one on Monday and I am enormously worried?

The best time to appropriate the experiment, within my view, is the daylight she missed her extent or latter. I would dream up if she took it 2 weeks after this episode, it should own be unsettled plenty, but I wasn't clear from your description.

I contemplate it is too hasty to enlighten. Have her lift a theory test NOW and see what it say. I used to be particularly easily upset in the region of sex next to my bf and never get pregnant, but regularly fooled myself into thinking I be because I be so worried.

HELP! why does my vagina trickle red stuff every month? ..?

You should turn to the Dr. to find out for sure.

How long would she be pregnant for? I don't judge you start showing symptoms at LEAST for a month, probably more resembling two. Sometimes you might enjoy those symptoms BECAUSE you are worried more or less it...similar to a mind article....Stress can also lead to you to miss your term.

However, that is to say no guarantee, any. There are lots of false negative. And everybody's different. So, again, I consider your best bet is to see a Dr.

Birth control pill cause intolerance to contact lenses--help?

yall are VERY childish! Make sure she is on some form of oral contraceptive and brand name sure YOU use condoms !!

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most of those signs are equal as for a spell... and the object she may be slow is because she's stressing going on for possibly mortal pregnant which might create her length to be late(I know cuz it's happen to me plenty of times). Just to be on the sheltered side though, walk and try another pregnancy question paper, the first one mighta be too soon.

What sites are ther for teen girls to run to and communicate nearly interval problems and I don`t know seize some free sample?

You shouldn't be have sex! If shes stressed out nearly it she won't attain her length and she will get the impression sick.

Tell her to relax and not to stress too much and she might obtain it, if capture another pregnancy audition.

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