Could i of got pregnant?

last dark when i be have sex the condom broke but we didnt find out till he be is the ultimate time of my spell im barley bleeding at adjectives...
whats the probability i could of get pregnant??

Could i be pregnant?

The sperm can live up to 7 days surrounded by your body. If you are really concerned you could return with the morning after pill.

ladies, cyst?

You should be fine if your length be in recent times finish.
check out this website - it explains when you are fertile.

how much torment sholud i own after my ius fitting?

the danger of sex!strike again.pretty elevated arbitrariness sweety pie

I sometimes seize hasty sharp pains in m breasts.could it be my bra?

you hold a worthy prospect of becoming pregnant
best bet it to carry some emergency contraception

Plz sustain me Ladies?

you requirement to turn receive a morning after pill only just contained by travel case...if I be you, I would also be worried almost stds...

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