My Girlfriend just found out that she has abnormal cells on her cervix. We are each others only partners.?

She is 18 and I am 20. We both lost our virginity to respectively other within soaring conservatory and know that we could not of received HPV from anyone else. I dont become conscious how shes get anomalous cell on her cervix. Everything I look up say its cause by HPV from have numerous parnters. Considering we spend almost every wake minute together for the end 4.5 years I know nothings go on. How did she bring this? Does she hold HPV? Her doctor purely said that the cell where on earth unusual but nought roughly her have HPV I hold basically read that on the interenet. Someone please backing me out here.

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alright, doctors really have need of to cram to explain this better, I worked in an OBGYN clinic for 6 years, and poor girls and their boyfriends draw from confused adjectives the time. If the doctor with the sole purpose said that she have exceptional cell, its doesn't at adjectives miserable that she be FALSE, or that you cause it. In certainty, it probably isn't even an std. It is true that HPV can bring impressive cell surrounded by the cervix, but so can a spacious number of other things. If she be close to her interval, any up to that time or after it, the pap results could own come pay for skewed, or if you be sexually involved not long formerly the test be done, that could hold messed them up a bit too because her hormones would enjoy still be a bit of, not because anything go wrong. My guess is, she be told this after have a pap smear, the doctor will probably request a repeat pap surrounded by 3-6 months, purely to be sure that adjectives is in good health. There is a huge indiscriminate that this is completely nil, so don't even verbs more or less it for very soon. Also, the doctor may ask her to hold a procedure done, usually a laparoscopy to remove the unexpected cels and dispatch them into a lab for further conducting tests, from my experience, I would utter that something like partially of the women enjoy an irregular pap eyeshade once a year, and that nearly every women have have at tiniest one within her go. Don't dive to conclusions, and ask the doctor to do a better assignment explaining the cause of these sorts of things, alot of times they only just take too busy and don't realize that their patients may not comprehend. You poor kids. God bless!
Just be sure to do everything the doctor asks, procedure learned and such, and don't miss the repeat test, that method, if it is more serious (not an std serious) it can be taken precision of vigorously,

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ok mine said duplicate piece and i dont own n e stds any abormal cell r only just within contained by a womans body and the doc is gonna do something something like it

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Its not necessarily from HPV....they are precancerous cell that can form on their own! If the dr. didn't vote hpv, consequently it isn't hpv.

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Abnormal cell on the cervix does not stingy that it is HPV from numberous partner. She may want to make conversation beside her dr more contained by dept but some women of late enjoy problems. The more that womanly member of the house enjoy problems, the more expected that she may hold problems - it does not imply numerous partner. The best item is to communicate near her dr and bring back more information. Sometimes the internet is not a apposite place to return with information because the information that you receive may not be the complete information because the internet does not own your complete information. Face to facade near the dr is the best point to do. Good luck to both of you.

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It's call "Cervical Dysplasia". I go within for a gyno appt & she said I have atypical cell. I go & have a biopsy done of the cell. Found out mine be a type 3 pre-cancer. I have an operation surrounded by 1994 to remove the cell beside a laser. Go rear legs every 6 months & I'm fine-no cancer! Good luck!!

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HPV may organize to cervical cancer, but it's not the with the sole purpose result in. Also, extraordinary cell don't necessarily be going to cancer. And she's extremely childlike for cervical cancer.

Chances are she doesn't hold HPV (aka genital warts), but hang on to an eye on those cervical cell.

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Are you more worried that she have be sleeping around?
I would say aloud not hunny.... phenomenal cell can crop up to women, thats why it is improtant the we hold our pap smear.
I hope the doc is treating this!
you 2 merely be blissful and procure this sorted by proffesionals, if you enjoy spent adjectives this time together IT MUST BE LOVE
Take supervision, look after respectively other

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