Is it normal to have a period for more than twenty days how could i make it go away quick?


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That isn't commonplace, you hold vaginal bleeding, not a extent. Go to your doctor swiftly!

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by what inhabitants enjoy told me or by what i hear it cud achieve one or two months but if its longer consequently something might be wrong..but i dont know just about how u can trademark it stir away..but mine last for 7 days next to three extra days which be impressively feathery flows

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having a time of year for more than 12 days is not common.i own have ridiculously long period...mine own last from 12-about 18 days near doctor put me on birth control to regulate my cycle because period close to that are not should definately budge see a doctor...a big problem next to long period (if they are heavy) is anemia...within which your body doens't hold ample iron contained by it due to the extreme loss of blood! please please please step se a doctor! devout luck!

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wooooooooooooo more than 20 days,i kno am hot at this unharmed interval item but its not commonplace the longest that ur interval can walk on a run of the mill horizontal is a week or 8 and 9 days.u should budge and see ur doctor right away this is serious!wowww ur really strong if this be me i would b really freaking out!
goodluck on this hope its nought serious:)
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