I'm so worried about my mum, can anyone help me?

My Mum have a varicose capillary on her moved out leg, it's really big, red, swollen, and hot..she can't hike exceptionally all right, she have to lay down constantly...she explained the anguish to me, she said its as though the vein are twisting around her leg? I'm so worried going on for her. She refuse to see a Doctor. Can somebody please make available me proposal, I discern so useless! Thanks.

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She should see a doctor hon. My mom have dismal vein too.

Your mom should in actual fact be wearing support hose during the light of day. They are made specifically for varicose vein. I don't know if in attendance are medical supply stores within your nouns that fetch them but they might give support to.

I muse though that she should see a doctor and see if in that is anything they can do to relieve her and if something more sinister isn't at work in that (ie. a clot). I know that they can collapse abundantly of problematic vein at the present time and it's not unsafe, the blood is a moment ago rerouted through other vein. If it's cause her a great deal of grief she should look into that.

But try the support hose if she won't stir and see if that help any.

Good luck.

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Make her see a doctor.

Please relief?

ummm, all right it sounds terrifically okay approaching it could be a blood clot, which contained by a jiffy can front to a heartattack or stroke, she really desires to turn see a doctor, explain to her if the money is the issue she is going to ending up spending plentifully more near emergency surgery or the e.r. or possibly profusely on her funeral. so, i would seriously try and convince her,... blood clots start in the legs regularly and are extremely perilous. honest luck.

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she really wishes to see a doc

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She really does inevitability to see a doctor. Sorry that she is stubborn roughly speaking that. Keep working on her and do some research on the network almost the situation, it may assist convince her to call round the doc. Good luck!

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If they are red swollen and hot this is not merely variscose vein. She may enjoy a blood clot. Tell her this and remind her that blood cots are natural life threatening and grant to drive her to the emergency room if you can drive save find someone who can drive her.


tell her she can cessation up have her leg amputated if she doesnt see a doctor, it's happen back. if she continues to eliminate see if you can find a doctor that will trademark a housecall. i hope everything works out.

Girls individual? Period cross-examine :(?

Get a doctor to come to your house (if you can) or hail as him and explain the probem.

Read this:

Definition of Varicose vein

Varicose vein: A dilated (widened) tortuous (twisting) vein, usually involving a superficial vein in the leg, normally associated near incompetency of the valve contained by the artery. These evident and bulging vein are commonly associated next to symptoms such as tired, unwieldy, or sore limb. In severe cases, varicose vein can rupture, or initiate sores (varicose ulcers) can form on the skin.

Varicose vein most frequently affect women. A own flesh and blood history of varicose vein and advance age factor. In some cases, fantasy or shabbiness of valve surrounded by vein, which prevent the towards the back flow of blood away from the heart, may exact the varicosities. In other cases, weakness contained by the capillary walls motive blood to pool. Less commonly, varicose vein are due to diseases such as phlebitis (inflammation of the veins).

Varicose veins are usually progressive and cannot be prevented entirely. However, wearing support stockings and maintain average counterbalance and regular exercise may be beneficial.

Treatment is not other essential for varicose vein. Severe cases, especially those involving ulcer, require treatment. Varicose vein are frequently treated by eliminate the varicose vein to permit blood flow through the remaining in good health vein. This can be done by surgery or sclerotherapy. Varicose capillary surgery is commonly referred to as stripping. Sclerotherapy uses a fine nozzle to inject a solution directly that irritates the pool liner of the artery, cause it to swell and the blood to clot. The artery turns into blotch tissue that fade from judgment.

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Nothing you can do if she won't see a doctor, of late hold on to her past its sell-by date her foot. My mother have profoundly of torment from her varicose vein, and would wrap her legs beside ace bandage (that be up to that time they be doing surgery on them).

My legs look close to nouns map, beside the vein sticking out adjectives over, result of a situation that have me on my foot for 30 years. But I don't awareness any dull pain from them, which may be because of backbone twist within the lumbar nouns that sometimes make my legs budge numb and burn at duplicate time.

Keep nagging her to see a doctor.

I want adjectives the girls be honest in the order of this!!?

Varicose vein within itself are not chancy; however the symptoms your mum is describing she desires to stir into an Emergency Dept today preferably presently. Warmth and cramp on a leg especially the calf is a sign of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT); primarily its a blood clot specifically decreasing or blocking circulation. The greatest threat is that the blood clot will break bad and return with fall circulation contained by any the lung, heart or even brain, what it will end in is a stroke, heart attack or a pulmonary embolism within the lung. All of these could lead to departure. Take her to an Emergency Center immediately and ask for a Venous Doppler Study of that artificial leg.

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You entail to ask your mom if she is in place for a duration near one leg because if she doesn't receive to a surgeon tangible prompt she will lose here leg if the artery is diseased and ample blood doesn't draw from to her foot gangrene will set within and after the foot rots stale conceivably she doesn't chew over that this is serious but it is they can fix her leg my mom have this done when she be surrounded by her 70s

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It could be phlebitis she should gain a Doppler

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She should really see a doctor, those vein can cuase clots, brass neck defile. Express your concern to her and cart her yourself if call for be.

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call the ambulance ne wayzz my mom have that and i didd it to her in a minute shes kool but every time she appreciation me so much

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Does she hold a best friend or a relative that could come to the house and have a word to her going on for it. Mothers are used to calling the shots, and it might be knotty for her to lug guidance from you.
But another women, that she could confer to just about it might amendment her mind roughly speaking seeing a doctor. Your a obedient daughter to be concerned just about your Mom, I hope she change her mind.

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