Girls only? Period question :(?

I am 4 days slowly and I know I am not pregnant. I be aware of resembling I am going to start, but haven't as of on the other hand. Sorry for man pictographic but: My stomach is really upset (which is not pretty) , I be aware of nauseaus and hold a ominous headache. Is this mundane? and does this parsimonious my time could be unpromising and fatty? I hold to work tomorrow and Thursday and I don't want them to be days from hell :(
I devise stress may be the wreak of my length person belated, other that I put away heathy and exercise regularly.

how long does it lug for ingrown hair on the genitals 2 turn away?

If your positive your not pregnant and your length have never done this back afterwards don't fret... I promise you enjoy no serious problems, but I can't guarantee that it wont be solid and unpromising when it does come. The stress can be a serious factor though and it could mete out you to miss your extent for several months.

The headache themselves if doomed to failure plenty can make happen your stomach to be upset and brand name you have a feeling ill. You can thieve an over the counter strain pill but also use bengay muscle rub "icy hot works the best" and rub it on somewhere the agony feel close to its coming from, especially the temple, d??colletage, shoulders, and scalp. Keep it away from your eyes though. This stuff will work wonders.

Also you may wanna try drinking at least possible a cup of peppermint tea which you can acquire at any grocer or walmart. You may be someone who hate tea but the peppermint will support control menstrual cramping, grasp rid of gas, and minister to next to the upset stomach. hope this help

What does 69 expect? And what are period?

Go to your gyno. They can put in the picture you what's goin' on better than we can.

when's the best time to procure pregnant n hav sex after ur extent?

You could be sick, which can engender your length unpaid. Stress is a big factor too.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of hose & carry a well-mannered hours of darkness's rest. Relax as much as you can. Take advil for the headache (assuming you aren't allergic to asprin, whcih is in advil) and tums or pepto for the upset somach. Hopefully those things will give a hand you to grain better.

I inserted something in my vagina. it be a finger long but i did not bleed. Am i still a virgin?

has it ever be slowly b4? it might be a impossible term because whne mines unpunctually it BAD. oh okay examine this movies to realieve stress:

Enlarged labia?

periods vary adjectives the time. they can be behind schedule from those change. stress diets excerising can rescheduling them too. if u dont gain one within another week after jump see your doctor. and yes what u quality is conventional. i surface that too when its time for mine. i use heat pad that stick to your skin or clothing. they work great.

It's nearly pokemon red?

Most potential its stress, so relax. Pop a pill and confer it time. Don't freak if it doesn't come this month, but see what happen subsequent month. If it still doesn't show turn to the doctor. Have you ever be sexually alive? I don't know how antiquated you are, but if you enjoy not long run a pregnancy theory test anyway. And even if it comes up distrustful, rob one again in three weeks or so. I hope you digit this out!

Is it possible to wear a wipe surrounded by the pool?

I don't know...ask ur doctor!
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