I took my mam to hospital?
i took my mam to the hospital today as she found a lump in her breast ultimate week, she had a mamogram and an ultrasound and they confirmed it be only as cyist (thank god) but they are still going to remove it can anyone notify me why, it's not hurting her,
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If this be my breast, I would ask for a second opinion. If the radiologist is sure it is a simple cyst and if it is not cause any discomfort, why have it removed? That can be considered an unnecessary surgery. All surgeries involve risk. And there is also the financial aspect, as these are expensive procedures. And, a breast biopsy will make happen an internal scar which can be see on a mammogram. It is very easier said than done to tell mutilation tissue from a cancer on mammography. If this is not cancerous (a simple breast cyst is not a cancer, and will not become a cancer), what is surgery going to fix or cure? There is nothing wrong which requires fixing! I would give a simple cyst alone, if it were my breast.
What could be wrong beside me?
oh yay ur Irish coz u spell mom > mam :D I love irishI think they will remove it so it doesnt turn cancerous. Better to be nontoxic than sorry.
Good luck to your mum
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its lone A cyistthey must of checker over to see if she has any other pumps
It doesn't hurt becuase it a growth
theeir similar to skin tags
they dont hurt
hope this helps
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cysts do not always hurt and usualy drain them but do sometimes remove so they dont gain bigger as they grow if not drained or removed but your mam nil to worry something like as wont feel a article also not dangourus she will be fine dont worry.plus someone as put you are irish explanation you put mam i are english and always call my mum mam when she was alive.i decision your mam all the bestI'm contained by the early stage of labor. Iknow I took the time to type this but labor is rash?
please donot worry. Cysts are fluid chock-full sacs inwardly the breast. These sacs form when common milk producing glands enlarge. The rationale of this enlargement is not markedly known but is markedly likely related to an discrepancy between the normal production and incorporation of fluid. Breast cysts may be solitary but are most commonly multiple and can vary surrounded by size from microscopic to larger than a ping pong ball.Breast cysts are adjectives, particularly within women age 40-60. Although larger cysts can sometimes be felt as “lumps”, frequent cysts are undetectable by physical examination.
Cysts are frequently see as abnormal shadows on mammograms.
It is a simple surgery and we will pray for her form.
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Dawn, i am glad it's not malignant, thank God. Well when i found lump on my breast, at 26, i have a biopsy done and it was out of danger, but my doctor decided not to remove it. Because i changed my diet to a much in good health one, i even noticed that it disappeared. My friend's doctor settled to remove hers. Whatever your mom's doctor decide, i hope everything ends up very well for your mom. Maybe he doesn't want it to turn into something bad within the future. Good luck, moral health for adjectives and peace...Hi near ,
Its good too hear the lump be only a cyst.
Usualy doctors remove cysts so they dont produce discomfort too the patient. I have a friend who had a cyst removed from her breast simply because she coudlnt stand thinking that it be something more serious. It might just be too completely put your mums mind at help!
Its also possible that the cyst is in a position that may affect your mother contained by the future.
Good luck
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Hi dawn .Good luck to your Mam and t.g it be only a cyst.
Deirdre x
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They will remove it as cysts as they have a tendacy to grow and could consequently pop. It is better to be safe and hold it remove so it doesn't cause complications surrounded by the future.Good Luck, I hope you're mam make a speedy recovery soon...
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