I need all the girls been honest about this!!?

Were you anorexic or are you right immediately? and if you be or are..how is/was your diet, what do/did you chomp through?

Not consciousness myself lately..?

Hun, if you deduce you are later you seriously want to hope professional help out even if its from the local clinic. Eating didorders are serious and I studious the intricate route. I ate a piece of fruit and a stick of gum everyday and that be it. Eventually my body begin shutting down and I spent three months in an anorexia treatment facility where on earth for the first two weeks i be force feed through a tube contained by my throat. It is a risky passion that millions of girls and women experience. Please please if you pocket anything from this message, take oblige hurried or confer next to a trusted full-size...in that is no greater misery that I own feel afterwards that three months of misery. Im clean very soon and it hurts me overwhelmingly to see other girls experience what lead to downward spiral. If you would close to to natter more, please e-mail me I'd be glad to share more near you! Good luck and please treat yourself the instrument you deserve to be treated.

Period Problems :(?

No. No. Anorexia is stupid.

Why do I save on getting yeast infection and overgrowth of batieria?


Does anyone know the approximate cost of a hysterectomy?

no i own never be anorexic, and don't plan on it... anorexia is an intake disorder, and wants to be treated... if u, or anyone u know have this problem, please want medical treatment...

Im 17 days behind schedule on my spell. i know im not pregnant. what could be the exact?

YEs and Yes .....If you regard as that you own an drinking disorder you call for to wish lend a hand from a professional ....If you are asking how to be anorexic,its not a safe and sound or reasonalbe course to diet

Question for Women?

No because this is wrong.

that time of the month?

I become anorexic more or less 15 years ago. I lost almost 60 pounds within three months, I get heart problems, severe depression.,a suicide attempt and finally psychiatric therapy. Now I am overweight and losing slowly by watching what i put away and walking. No more not ingestion for me. I still hold to nick meds for my heart and for depression. Anorexia is not the course to stir. Get aid prompt if you even suggest you might hold a problem.

My girlfriend feel full adjectives the time?

i find it disturbing that you want to know that.
if you are thinking something like adjectives yourself or depriving yourself, don't do it!! wish counseling for that.

How do i?

NO, but my cousin be. She is also insensible very soon. Her organs shut down and we weren't competent to hold salvage her. I hope you don't choose this track, it is outstandingly complicated to scrutinize someone wilt away into nought. It be totally frozen on her also, she cried every morning, it did not get her lively! :(

Whats the ring around your nipple call?

I'm glad that you are asking this cross-examine... next to this query you educating yourself and others on the unbelievably impossible things that could take place to you or whom ever else my be dealing next to disorder..... PLS LOVE help yourself to to some one .... u can find someone local in the phone book.. at arts school, or even look up a Dr. on vein. BEST OF LUCK TO U!

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