Why are my nipples sore?


Getting contraception when not UK resident?

Are you on your time of year, going to be on your spell soon, or pregnant? Then it is common.

? going on for period?

Poor you

Does exercising really get your time stop faster?

are you on your interval. Breasts are more sensitive during PMS

How long is your 1st interval on Depo-Provera?

Take the clothespins bad!

I have a term at the latter segment of June.?

it could be that you are nearly to own your interval, or it can be much worse close to breast cancer you stipulation to see a doctor hastily.

A extent sound out!!?

Your breasts could be wadding near milk . Is it possible your pregnant?

What is a tampon?

if ur childish, ur boobs could be started developing

Why am I other sooooooooooo tired? I sleep at most minuscule 8 + hours a hours of darkness.?

you must check your wash powder , possibly this is the problem, it could couse the discouraging intuition.

Has anyone hear nearly the possible uterus transplant?

Possibly pregnant or your interval is nifty approaching.

why would women procure abortions?

1. breast development
2. PMS/ in the order of to take your period
3. you might be pregnant
4. you are breastfeeding
5. you own an infection- any bacterial or yeast
6. too much stimulation during foreplay or sex
7. Fibrocystic breasts as well
8. your bra is too tight
9. dermatitis- soap,detergent, eczema, sunburn
and scariest- cancer

if it continues, please see a dr.- dd

Is this substantial?

Depending on your age, they could be growing, if to be exact out of the question, afterwards possibly they are irritated.

What are some of the best exercise programs that will comfort obtain rid of adjectives my belly portly?

If you are 13-18 your breasts may be developing or your bra may be too tight.

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