Is this important?

i am have my period and this is the second time this month,,,this is the first time it u presume its serious or i should freshly sign out it?

Yellow vaginal discharge?

It is run of the mill to own two period a month (i.e. you initiate on July 1st, a 28-day cycle would put you starting again on July 28th). Did you basically set off your period just this minute? It may be too that they are getting regulated, which could embezzle up to a year from the first one you have. Either opening, it is everyday...and believe me, you will draw from tired of them after a while LOL!

Birth pills after protected sex?

See your gynecologist. This is something you don't want to rebuke. God Bless!

Dehydrated after a short interval of time?

leave it your interval will be regular within a year or so --- dont verbs :)

im growing underarm spike ..?

no dont verbs my little friend!! what you can do is to use a tampax every sunshine of the week and once a month remove it and everything its gonna be ok

What's the best process to become a morning being?

This is not an undemanding interrogate to answer short getting more information. If you hold not have your menstrual cycle for long after it is relatively adjectives for relations to suddenly hold change contained by their cycle. If you are close to menopause afterwards you can also seize change to your cycle. Both of these can motive frequent menstruation. If you own have a child and you are starting to catch your term put money on or if you own have a miscarriage or anything similar next you can also return with change to your cycle adjectives of which could incentive you to enjoy frequent menstruation. This can also start next to polycystic ovaries and near endometriosis. None of these is a problem but if you own no rationale for the regulation and you are not surrounded by any of these category after you may want to progress and see a doctor.
Stress can also cash your cycle so likelihood are that you are clearly fit and nought is the business but if you enjoy have a regular time for a little years and you own have no change to your circumstances next it is best to see someone as minus more information you will not know how to find a fitting answer near the interrogate that you enjoy asked.

Helpppp i dont know what to do over here?

You should be fine, but if you are irregular, birth control pills can regulate you period and you will even know when to expect them.
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